Chapter Four

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Previously: A few minutes later, Mon-El still hasn't left no matter how many times Mia told him to

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Previously: A few minutes later, Mon-El still hasn't left no matter how many times Mia told him to. "Honey! We're home!" Dean's voice was heard.

He and Sam entered the living area "Uncle Sammy!" Astra got up and ran to Sam's arms.

Sam lifted her up giving her a kiss on the cheek. "What no hug for me?" Dean pouted and Astra leaped from Sam's arms to Dean's.

Dean sat Astra back on the ground and Evelyn walked in holding an ice pack "Ev! What happened!?" Astra ran up to her sister worriedly.

"I'm fine," Evelyn chuckled "Just a little bruise."

"Who the hell is this guy?" Dean asked. "Dude! Five year old!" Mon-El said to Dean.

"Dude! Who the hell are you!?" Dean asked.

"Mon-El," Astra said "He's mommy's friend!" She beamed at them.

"Mon-El as in-?"

"Yeah that's him" Evelyn cut Sam off.

"Well," Dean said clearing his throat trying to find a way to kick the man out without doing it in front of Astra. "Hey isn't her nap time?" Dean looked up at Mia.

"Yeah" Mia said looking said at her phone "I'll take her to bed," Evelyn said picking up her sister.

"Goodbye Mon-El!" Astra waved at the guy.

"Goodbye little one" Mon-El smiled.

Once the two were out of ear shot Mia and Dean turned to Mon-El and Sam already had the door opened.

"Get out" Dean told him.

Mon-El nodded feeling unwanted, he grabbed his things and left, Sam closed the door behind him.

"You guys couldn't have shown up five minutes ago?" Mia collapsed on the couch.

"You could have just kicked him out" Sam said. "We promised Kara we wouldn't touch the guy unless he did something wrong, and plus Astra was in the room" Mia told them.

"Well we didn't" Dean pointed between himself and Sam and Mia chuckled.


Kara was at the DEO, she had finished fighting an alien with Oliver and Nia, "Mia called," Alex said handing Kara her phone "She said something about Dean and Sam getting rid of Mon-El, then hanged up when she learned that I didn't know" she added staring at her suspiciously.

"Yeah, Mon-El showed up at our house two nights ago" Oliver answered for his fiancee. Nia walked past them over to Winn.

"Tell me about this Mon-El" she whispered to Winn, he turned his chair and looked at Nia then at Kara standing with her sister and her fiancee "How much time do you have?"

"He wanted to Astra!?" Alex asked exclaiming "Why didn't you tell Me that your ex-boyfriend showed up at your house wanting to see your daughter?" Alex asked.

"Because Alex," Kara said "I have a good heart and decided that Mon-El could see Astra supervised," she paused "and with Oliver wanting to kill him already I wanted to wait because I knew that you would definitely want to kill him."

"Damn right!" Alex said as Oliver's phone went off. "It's William," he answered his phone and walked away. "Kara! He left you pregnant!"

"She's his biological child Alex!" Kara raised her voice a bit "It's not like I'm handing over full custody to him!" She said "He has a sole fucked up right to see her! I don't like it as much as you and Oliver but he deserves to know them child he abandoned before she was even born!" Kara snapped most eyes to go on the two sisters.

Kara walked off before Alex could say anything.


Later when the couple arrived home, all their kids was there watching TV and eating pizza. "Well this looks cozy" Kara chuckled.

"Mama! Daddy!" Astra jumped out of William's arms and ran to Kara to hug her, then jumping for Kara's arms to Oliver's.

"Hey princess!" Oliver laughed kissing his daughter on the head "How was your day?" He asked as they walked over to the others sitting in a free spot on the couch and Astra sitting on Oliver's lap.

"Fun!" Astra beamed "I had fun with Mon-El!" She said bouncing on his lap.

"Really?" Kara smiled at her daughter "What did you two do?" She asked taking Tommy out of his seat to hold him.

"We played with dolls! And colored and ate lunch and watched TV! He also told me everything about him! Like how he used to read Romo and Juliet!" Astra went on and on.

Kara's smile froze on her face as her daughter mentioned the story that they used to read together, "Did he tell you anything else?"
Oliver asked.

"Yeah!" Astra said "He doesn't have kids!" those words was said in a sad voice.

Kara cleared her throat and stood up "I think Tommy needs his dipper changed," she held the boy in her arms, "You can stay an-" Oliver started but Kara cut him "No I'll do it," she said "I'll make sure to hear all about it from the beginning later!" She walked down the hall.

"What's up with her?" Mia asked. Oliver shrugged as his gaze followed Kara, then his attention turned back to Astra.


In Tommy's room, Kara was finishing up Tommy's dipper as he giggled when she started to tickle his stomach. "When are we going to start potty training you?" She asked in baby talk.

Her phone rang and pulled it out and saw Mon-El's name as Mike, she had added him to her contacts since she didn't want his number to keep popping up at unknown, and added it as Mike just in case someone who doesn't know sees her phone.

"Hello?" She answered in a sigh.

"I wanna see her again."

Was the first thing that came out of the other line. "Mon-El," she let out a sight "You just saw her today" she picked up Tommy walking around the room with him.

"And I want to see her again next week."  He said.

"You don't get to decide that!" She said "I have to talk it over with Oliver first..."

"Why do you always have to talk things over with Oliver?" Mon-El asked "She's our child! Not his!"

"He's my fiancé Mon-El!" She snapped sitting Tommy in his bed "And he is her father!" Kara hunged up before he could get another word out, she jumped at the feeling of arms wrapping around her waist.

"It's just me," Oliver chuckled in her ear. "I can't wait until our honeymoon" she sighed relaxing in his arms.


A/N: Here's an update! Yay! Kara and Oliver are ready to get away from everything meaning Mon-El.

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