My Feeble Turtle-Duck

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Author's Note: So initially, I planned to post this chapter after The Avatar's Birthday. However, I finally just read Ruins of the Empire and something in that conflicts with something I was planning to do and I would like to stick as close to canon as possible, so I need to rethink and rework some things. Also, this chapter was already done a few days ago. I was holding off because I wanted to stay on a pattern of switching, for lack of a better term, between Korrasami centric stories and Bopal centric stories. But I figured I might as well post it now since it'll probably be a little longer before The Avatar's Birthday is ready.

Bolin: Hello? Anyone there?

Bolin walked through the black void he found himself in.

Bolin: Where am I?

Eska: Hello... my feeble turtle-duck.

Bolin spun around to see his ex-girlfriend.

Bolin: Eska? What are you doing here?

Eska: I have something to tell you Bolin.

Eska flung away her robe to reveal a massively pregnant belly.

Bolin: AAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!! What?! But we never did anything! How could you be...

Eska: Oh. And one other thing. Desna and I are not twins. We are...

6 more pregnant Eskas appeared right behind her.

Eskas: Octuplets!

Suddenly, flames surround them and a flock of fire breathing turtle-ducks begin to circle them.


Bolin awoke in bed screaming in terror and breathing heavily.

Opal: Bolin?

Bolin looked to see Opal turning on the lamp.

Opal: What happened?

Bolin's eye twitched before he quickly leaned down and wrapped around Opal's waist.

Bolin: Dark void... 7... pregnant Eskas... fire... fire breathing turtle-ducks!

Opal stroked his hair and smiled.

Opal: It's okay. There's only one pregnant woman here.

She giggled.

Opal: And no fire breathing turtle-ducks.

Bolin: Good... That's good.

He snuggled further into Opal's stomach as he began to calm down and stopped shaking. His thoughts then turned to the child in Opal's womb.

Bolin: You think I'm gonna be any good at this?

Opal: At what?

Bolin: Being a dad. I know everyone says they think I'll do great, but it's not like I have much inspiration to take from.

Opal knew he was primarily thinking about how he and Mako had lost their parents when they were children and grew up with nothing but each other.

Opal: I know you're scared. I am too. But we'll figure it out. And Mako's not the only one who will kick your butt if you don't.

Bolin chuckled. He knew he could count on her to cheer him up.

Bolin: I love you.

He then kissed Opal's stomach and placed his right hand on it.

Bolin: And I love you too, ya hear me?

Opal: We both do.

Her hand joined his.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19 ⏰

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