It Stays With You

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Korra: Asami?

Korra wandered the halls of the Sato mansion searching for her girlfriend.

Korra: Where is sh...

Korra's thought was interrupted by the sound of clanking metal. She quickly spun around and saw nothing, but the sound was enough to send a chill across her entire body. She attempted to calm herself by taking a deep breath.

Korra: Calm down Korra. You're passed that.

Asami: Korra?

The familiar sound of Asami's voice relieved and excited her as she walked down the stairs.

Korra: I'm coming!

But as Korra reached the bottom steps, a metal chain wrapped around her legs, sending her falling to the floor. She looked up to see the silhouette of Asami standing in a doorway emitting a light so bright that Korra couldn't make out a single detail on her face.

Korra: Asami! Help Me!

Korra extended her arm trying to reach for Asami as another chain wrapped around her wrist and flipping her over as she's dragged backwards and she's faced with the image of herself bound in metal chains that she was sure she'd never have to look upon again.

Korra: No! No! I... I got it all out! Why are you... Why are you still...

Korra is pulled up and brought face to face with her demon. She tried to break away, but the chains continued to wrap around her body tighter and tighter as her demon spoke.

Demon: You'll never get rid of me! We! Are! One!

The demon opened it's mouth and it's jaw seemed to come unhinged and grow larger, letting out the most horrible sound Korra could imagine.

Korra: No! NOOOOOO!!!

Infused with so much fear and confusion, Korra screamed awake and stumbled out of the bed and onto the floor.

Asami: Korra?!

Awakened by Korra's screams, Asami jumps out of the bed and runs to the other side to find Korra sitting against the bedframe holding her head and breathing heavily. She quickly drops to her side to attempt help her.

Asami: Korra? Korra! Korra, it's okay. I'm here.


Korra slowly sipped her tea as Asami rubbed her back. She let out a deep breath.

Korra: I'm okay. I'm sorry. I thought I'd gotten over everything Zaheer did to me but...

Korra sighed, unable to fully articulate her thoughts.

Asami: You have nothing to apologize for Korra. You know, even though I moved past my grief from when I lost my mom, it's not something I could ever really get over. Every once in a while, it just... hits me all over again, especially after I lost my dad too.

Korra: I guess that makes sense. I guess I just... I don't know. Why don't you go back to bed? I'll be there in a minute.

Asami: You sure?

Korra smiles and nods. Asami kisses her forehead before leaving the kitchen. Korra sat there and continued to contemplate what Asami said. The pain of losing her parents coming back every now then made sense, but at least that pain is born of missing people she loved. Korra's only brings back memories of pain and nearly dying. She could still hear what Zaheer said before she was poisoned.

Zaheer: Your name will echo throughout history. Korra, The Last Avatar.

What possible upside could there be to remembering that? Even if it wasn't as constant as it was before, was she doomed to be reminded of and relive that moment for the rest of her life?


Asami sat in the lobby of an office lobby reading the paper when the door of the main office opened. Out walked Korra and Dr. Chen, the best therapist in Republic City.

Korra: I'm sure you hear this a lot, but I can't thank you enough. Talking with you really has helped me work through a lot of this.

Dr. Chen: I'm very glad Korra. I'll see you next week.

Korra and Dr. Chen bowed to each other.


Korra and Asami sat in the park on a bench not far from the statue of Korra.

Asami: Feel better?

Korra: Yeah. I do. You know, I realized there's one good thing that came from all that pain.

Asami: What's that?

Korra took Asami's hand.

Korra: It helped me realize how much you meant to me.

The two smiled and leaned against each other's forehead.


After returning home, Asami leaned in, kissed Korra and stroked her cheek.

Asami: I'm gonna take a shower.

Korra: Oh. ok.

Asami walked toward the stairs before looking back towards Korra with a grin.

Asami: And you're gonna join me.

Korra's eyes widened and she nearly tripped as she attempted to catch up to her.

Korra: Um. Yeah. Better.

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