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Currently I'm backstage with all the boys. We're going on in about five minutes. Right now ads are playing from our sponsorships.

We all already picked out our solo songs for the show. Liam decided on 'Strip That Down', Niall is singing 'Slow Hands', Zayn went with 'Pillowtalk', and Harry chose 'Little Freak'. I'm surprised Harry didn't pick a more popular song, I've never heard 'Little Freak' before.

I chose to sing 'Written All Over Your Face'. I like the song and I know a lot of fans do too. I just hope Harry doesn't realize it's about him and I.

"Glad to see we aren't fighting today," Simon says coming into our dressing room. I try not to roll my eyes at his immature comment. "Don't forget the order of the solo songs."

"We won't," Liam replies annoyed. None of us really like Simon, some show it more than others. Simon definitely knows though that none of us are fans of him.

"Great to hear," Simon says sarcastically happy. "It looks like you guys have another minute, so come backstage."

When Simon says that we all hesitantly get up. We don't like Simon, but he is right we have to be on really soon.

"I'm too hungover for this," Harry groans and I laugh.

"I offered you liquid IV this morning, but you thought you didn't need it," I reply.

"Hm, maybe after the show you could help me feel better in the bathroom again?" He asks with a shit eating grin on his face.

"Harry," I gasp and playfully hit his chest, but he just laughs more. A second later we're called on stage and I just shake my head at him before walking on.

Everyone, again, is screaming. I just hope I get more used to it as the tour goes on. We all go to our designated microphones and start singing our first song, 'Drag Me Down'. After this first song we'll talk to the crowd a bit and then Liam will sing his solo song.

The ending verse finally finishes and everyone starts to scream again. Thank god Harry was able to quiet them down.

"Alright, alright, I hope we're doing good tonight San Fransisco," Harry says into the microphone and everyone yells in response. "I actually I have a story about this place."

Harry proceeds to tell a story about how he was here last year and ripped his pants. I would be lying if I didn't say I laughed at how much detail he put into the story. His slow talking voice really needed to emphasize everything.

"Hopefully that doesn't happen tonight," Harry laughs into the microphone. "But tonight each of us will sing a solo song, and Liam is up first with 'Strip That Down'."

Everyone in the crowd claps and yells as Liam goes upstage. Liam has enough confidence not to even feel nervous, sometimes I wish I felt the same.

"That was some story Harry," Niall says as Harry joins Niall, Zayn, and I on the steps.

"Worst show of my life," Harry replies, "But I think I'm safe tonight."

"Good none of us want to see your dick, well except maybe Louis," Zayn laughs and I shoot him a glare. No matter what Zayn always has something to say.

"I'd rather not in front of a crowd," I reply still keeping the glare.

"Alright, alright sorry," he apologizes sarcastically putting his hands up. "Jesus, if looks could kill I'd be dead."

"Sometimes I wish you were," I grumble and that's the end of the conversation.

We sing two group songs, 'Rock Me' and 'If I Could Fly'. Then it's Niall's turn to sing 'Slow Hands'. The rest of us are back to the steps as Niall's song goes on. I like the solo music Niall put out. It's not my music taste, but it is really good.

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