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I woke up with Louis once again in my arms. He's already awake on his phone. None of the boys are in here except us two, so I'm assuming they slept in the living area.

"Good morning," I yawn getting Louis' attention.

"Morning," he replies setting down his phone and sitting up.

"Are the boys out in the living room?" I ask Louis.

"I'm assuming," he replies.

Louis stands up from the bunk and stretches. Today we're going back to a hotel in Texas, but it's only for one night. Nonetheless I'm happy I'll have guaranteed alone time with Louis.

"We're supposed to be at the hotel in an hour," Louis comments.

"This early?" I ask confused. It's only ten in the morning and usually we don't get to the hotels until evening.

"Yeah, we're ahead of our driving schedule," Louis responds.

I stand from the bunk as Louis rummages through his part of the dresser. He's only in boxers and a shirt so I'm guessing he's looking for pants. He eventually finds a pair and slips them on.

"What do you want for breakfast?" I ask him once he's done getting dressed.

"Eggs and bacon?" He says questionably.

"Yeah, I can do that," I reply and head out the door.

All the boys are in the living room like Louis and I suspected. Liam and Niall are on the ground while Zayn is on the couch. I laugh at the scene noticing all the beer cans around them.

I start making breakfast for Louis and I. I smile to myself remembering that everything bad that has happened we will get over it. Today I'm going to ask him again to be my boyfriend. I want a new start, and I actually want him to be mine this time.

I also want the whole world to know. I want them to see how happy Louis makes me. He's not a liar, he's not a nobody, he's Louis.

He's the one that cares about everyone in his life. He takes too long to get ready in the mornings because his hair needs to be perfect. He has the perfect mix of sass and compassion. He's so full of life and always ready for something to do. He's not a nobody, he's everything a person could want. I'm lucky enough to be able to experience him.

I hear my phone ding. I look at it and smile at the notification.

louist91 tagged you in a post

I click on the notification still smiling. When I see the post I immediately like it.

louist91: You know me better than anyone

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louist91: You know me better than anyone.

The photo was from when I was driving him back home. I must've been too focused on not crashing us while I was drunk to realize he took it. I remember he fell asleep shortly after he started holding my hand.

Fake Love ~ LARRY STYLINSONWhere stories live. Discover now