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In the past week nothing much has been happening. All we've been doing is driving. Liam called his mom and asked her to bring the contract to the show she's coming to tomorrow.

I'm starting to feel more and more relief as the chances of us firing Simon increase. We told him our plan, and we even talked with a couple lawyers on how bad it would be if he got caught altering the contract. Turns out Zayn can sue him and Simon can lose his job, which would make a lot of people more than happy.

"Give me a minute," I shout at Niall. I just got out of the shower and I'm changing before walking out of the bathroom.

"Harry wants you to play uno with him," Niall yells through the door.

I smile to myself, and I don't know why. Harry's been making me feel really odd lately.

"Tell him I'm almost done," I reply.

"Well hurry, I need to piss," Niall says before I hear his footsteps walking away.

I quickly put a shirt on and walk out of the bathroom door. When I'm out I see Niall take a sigh of relief and rush into the bathroom. He slams the door closed behind him.

I walk into the living area hoping to see Harry with a deck of uno cards. When I do I get what I hope for. Liam is also in there with a beer next to him.

"Where's Zayn?" I ask taking a seat next to Harry on the couch.

"He's on the phone with someone right now," Harry replies.

Harry hands the deck of cards to Liam. Liam starts to shuffle them. I feel Harry put an arm around me, and instead of tensing up I remain comfortable.

"You smell good," Harry comments smelling my hair.

"You're weird," I laugh out and he glares while smiling at me.

"Can I not give a compliment?" He asks pouting and I roll my eyes.

"Not weird ones," I reply.

He kisses me quickly. I'm not even surprised that he did that in front of Liam, he never cared about the other boys. When he pulls away from me he hugs my waist and leans his head on my shoulder.

"Okay, let's get started before you two get freaky," Liam says and I scoff.

"We're not going to get freaky on the couch of the tour bus," Harry laughs sitting up but still keeping one arm around my waist.

"Well I wouldn't put it past you two. I've seen a lot of things between the two of you on this tour bus I can't unsee," Liam states.

"Be quiet," I reply shutting down the conversation.

Harry flips over the card and we officially start our game. The first few rounds go pretty well for me, but not so much Harry who has about ten cards.

"I hate this game," Harry complains as he picks up yet another card.

"You suggested this," I reply laughing.

"Yeah," Harry sighs. "Here, take some of my cards." Harry forces three cards into my hands but I try to push his hand away.

"No, you're just mad I'm winning," I say.

"Hm, yeah," Harry replies and then kisses me. While he's kissing me he shoves his entire deck of cards between my finger tips.

"Fuck you," I say pushing him away from me. I push his deck of cards into his chest but he doesn't take them. "Take them back."

"I think no," he smiles and I roll my eyes. "Don't be mad," he pouts.

"I will be mad. You're cheating," I reply.

"Okay, then we won't play anymore," Harry throws all the cards off the coffee table leaving them to fall on the floor.

"Harry what the hell?" Liam asks angrily. Instead of replying, or even looking at Liam, Harry grabs my hips and starts making out with me. "Okay, I'm leaving," Liam states standing up.

"Bye," Harry laughs as Liam walks into the bunk room.

"Look what you did," I glare at Harry who just laughs again. He pulls me onto his lap and starts making out with me again.

I don't know what's gotten into him, but he's really being clingy again right now. He's holding me tightly while moving his lips from my lips to my neck. He starts to suck hickeys into my collar bones and I let him instead of pushing him away.

This is taking me back to the old days. Harry and I used to do all sorts of stuff on the bus, definitely more than we should've.


5 years ago

Harry is running his hands up and down my sides as we make out. We just came back to the tour bus after a party.

"I love you," I whisper as Harry sucks marks into my neck. I feel him smile against my skin.

He pulls away from my neck and looks at me, "I love you too."

He goes back to kissing my neck. Harry has always loved marking me up. He's always been possessive, and he hates the fact we can't be open in public. I'm assuming this is his way of showing the world.

He slowly starts to lift my shirt off my body. I know what's about to happen and I take a deep breath praying no one walks in.


Zayn did end up walking in. Poor guy. That's when the rule of no fucking on the tour bus started. Harry has still suggested it multiple times though.

Harry goes back to making out with me still holding me tightly on his lap. He's tightly gripping my hips as I run my hands through his curly hair.

"Ew," a voice says. Harry and I pause to look up at the doorway leading to the kitchen. Niall is standing there with a disgusted look on his face.

"Hey bud," Harry says and I glare at him. "What?" he asks looking at me innocently.

"I'm sorry Niall," I apologize and get off Harry's lap.

"It's okay, I know it was Harry's fault," Niall laughs.

"No, Louis was horny," Harry replies smiling proudly and wrapping an arm around my shoulders. He said it in an obvious joking tone, so I wasn't too mad at him.

"Something is wrong with you today," I hit his chest and he smiles at me.

"Oh I'm sorry baby," he says in a baby voice while squeezing my cheeks.

"Okay, you two enjoy yourselves," Niall says turning back to the kitchen and closing the door behind him.

"Well, we better listen to Niall," Harry says and starts to take off his shirt.

"Knock it off," I reply forcing his shirt to stay on his body. "Clean up the uno cards."

"Yes sir," he smiles and kisses me. I roll my eyes, but when Harry turns around I smile.

He's a real big dork, but I wouldn't want to spend my time with another person.

Fake Love ~ LARRY STYLINSONWhere stories live. Discover now