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"You're good at this instrument."

You stared at the dramyin that sat in the corner of the room. The note with that message hung peacefully attached to the instrument. It was a struggle understanding where exactly this letter was from.

It couldn't be from the crew. The dramyin you used yesterday was from then. Where would they get the time to get another instrument.

Along with that, the sincere nature of the note was off from the crew you knew. They really didn't give off the vibe that they liked guys. It was a strange way of interpreting their personalities. But you were desperate to find out who gave this to you.

The only other clue was the handwriting. It was intricate and neat. Showing a somewhat royal nature. That meant there were only 2 options.

General Iroh and Prince Zuko...

Iroh was a kind soul. He would be the one to at least give you the dramyin. But, he didn't seem like he liked you in that way. Not that this letter implied that. But your delirium was fueling your thoughts.

No, this couldn't be from Iroh. Thi had to be from Prince...

Knock, knock..

Your eyes widened, looking to the metal door.

"I'm coming in." The prince commanded, opening the door.

You prepared yourself poofing out your hair. Dusting off your legs.

The prince stood at the doorway. His royal presence radiated throughout the room. You felt yourself turning red. You hid your face behind your knees.

Zuko paced the room, realizing how small it was. He looked around, noticing the small instrument in the corner. His face turned red as he looked away.

A small giggle escaped your lips. You tried to keep it as quiet as possible. The male turned his head to you.

"What's so funny?" He questioned.

"Sorry, it's just cute how you get embarrassed."

"Embarrassed? What would I be embarrassed about?" Zuko angrily questioned, a slight blush covering his face.

You quickly rose up to your feet. Walking across the room, grabbing the instrument. You lifted it up to his gaze. His face turned crimson as he looked away.

"What about it?" He questioned, looking away.

"So, it was really from you.." You muttered, your face turning red.

The pair of you stood in embarrassment. You looked up to Zuko, the man who nearly took your life. Well, the man who did take away your life. Was crimson right in front of you.

You looked up to his face. His scar was so much more evident at this moment. The burn was deep and rooted into his very being. This was a wound that you had never seen before. Before you could realize it, your hand extended out.

Zuko instantly grabbed your wrist. In a moment, you were face down on the floor. Zuko's knee planted firmly on your back. You gasped in surprise as you felt your hand being constrained behind you.

"W-what are you doing!?" You yelled, trying to pull yourself free.

"Don't push it." Zuko stated, holding you tightly.

Your eyes narrowed, and you quickly twisted your body. You pulled yourself from his grip. With your leg, you pushed Zuko down. You landed on top of his groin. You grabbed onto his arms, holding him down. You felt his breath against your face. The current position the pair of you were in had the pair of you on top of each other.

"Y/N, I was able to save you some rice cake from tonight's dinner and - oh?" Iroh stared at the pair of you on the floor.

Instantly, the pair of you pulled apart from each other. Zuko disappeared into the hallway. Quickly leaving you and Iroh in the room alone. You sat there in disbelief, holding onto your arms.

"That guy's weird.." You muttered, causing Iroh to sigh.

"Please excuse my nephew. He does not know how to express his emotions." Iroh explained, taking a seat adjacent to you.

He handed over the rice cake dish. You held it in your hand, looking at the sweet, mushy treat. Iroh looked to you a slight seriousness in his gaze.

"You almost touched his scar, didn't you?" He questioned, pulling a tea kettle and cups from his sleeve.

"Yes.. It was out of instinct, but I didn't think he'd react, so aggressively." You replied, eating the dish.

Iroh only frowned, warming the kettle up with his grip. He poured two cups of tea and handed one cup to you. You drank the earthy cup of tea.

"In our culture as Fire Benders, when two of us spar with one another. It is an event called Agni Kai. It is a practice used to solve most problems in the fire nation." Iroh explained, sipping from his cup of tea. You listened in intrigue.

"During one of the war meetings. Zuko spoke out of term two of his father's generals. The Fire Lord, Zuko's father, ordered that Zuko and the General fight in Agni Kai. So that Zuko could learn his lesson for speaking out of term." Iroh continued, closing his eyes.

"When Zuko turned to face his opponent who he thought was the general. He turned only to realize that it was his father. Of course, he begged his father not to fight. But his father in a morbid lesson burned the prince's face. Scarring it for the rest of his life." Iroh finished, opening his eyes as if he relived a painful memory.

"That scar represents his loss of honor. His loss of hope for happiness in his life." Iroh explained, taking a sip of his tea.

"It is only natural he should react in such aggressive ways when it is haphazardly touched." Iroh stated, looking to you.

"I-I feel bad now..." You replied, placing the cup of tea down.

"I was just curious and."

"It's alright, Y/N. As angry as my nephew seems. There was a reason he was in the room, right?" Iroh questioned, gesturing to the instrument.

Your face blushed over as Iroh continued to explain.

"I can also convince the guards to not bother you for a while in the evenings. But I do not have the authority to change your meals." Iroh stated, a slight smile appearing over his face.

"Wait, do you mean that.." You whispered, connecting the dots in your mind.

"Yes, Zuko is the only one who can make the decision on your meals. As well as I only proposed a few days that you can be out free. Have you not noticed the guards pay no mind to you?" Iroh added, finally forming the picture in your mind.

"You mean that, Zuko.." A smirk appeared over Iroh's face.

"Likes, me?"

"Likes, me?"

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