Jyuu Hachi

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"Now, to understand and attune your spirit bending. Is first to gain a connection with the spirit world itself." Your father explained.

He sat in a crossed legged position directly in front of you. Both of you sat on a cliff edge of the Southern Air Temple.

Clouds drifted by the pair of you like icebergs in the sea. The smell of such clean and distant air sanitized your lungs and body. The feeling of course dirt underneath. Your senses, although overwhelmed, stood in awe of the majestic sight of the temples' views.

You half listened to your father's lectures as you tried keeping your attention on the breathtaking views.

"And a flying bison once married a giant koi in the volcanoes of the Fire Nation." Your father jested, pulling you from your trance.

"What?" You questioned in a shocked tone, causing your father to chuckle.

"Now that I have gained back your undivided attention. Let us begin with first connecting with the area we are in." Your father instructed, gliding his hand through the ground beside him.

"It is easy to feel connected to everything in the south pole. We, as waterbenders, can feel and sense the vague energies of water particles that are highly condensed in the air of the cold artic." Your father explained, lifting a handful of dirt from the ground.

"Outside of the poles, however, it is much more difficult to create a connection with the greater environment." He looked off to the drifting clouds.

With a swing of his arm, he released the dirt into the air. He sent the firt flying across the vast sky.

"The Air Nomads were the most spiritually connected people because they were not just limited to a set of given circumstances. The very air that connects all creatures connected them to the world around them. We, as waterbenders, understood this to a point. To which our element itself represents familial connection. It was easy feeling this in our climate connected worlds." Your father continued, running his hand through his beard.

"Outside of our close-knit communities. It is difficult to find a connection to the greater world and environment. As there is hardly any moisture to be sensed between people. However, in order to feel the connection between people, you must look beyond just the normal five senses. You must feel with your spirit and your bending." He explained, holding out the hand he threw the dirt with.

"See those unassuming clouds drifting far out?" He questioned, pointing to the clouds.


"Imagine them as humans. We as humans are made out of water. Our blood, our sweat, our tears. Everything that allows us to live comes from water. If the Airbender's created connection through the air that connects each our lungs. We, as waterbenders, can do the same." Your father explained, beginning to twist his hand in the air.

You watched as your father focused on this floating cloud. His motions brought the cloud to a stop from drifting. Your eyes widened in wonder as your father let out a deep breath. In another turn of his wrist, the cloud began twisting around itself.

Although you couldn't physically see anything. You sensed a change within the structure of the cloud. Your hand twitched as your mind tried focusing on your father's bending. Suddenly, the pure white of the cloud began to grow darker and darker. Your father let out another deep breath as he slowly withdrew his hand back.

"Just as air connects us. Water can do the same." He finished, the small cloud began drizzling a small sprinkle.

Your eyes glowed in wonder as an almost magic event occurred.

"So you're telling me you can make people rain?" You jested, making your father groan.

You chuckled, looking back over to the small raining cloud.

"So, if I can feel that, then I can also feel a connection with everything?" You questioned, which was answered by a nod from your father.

"Yes, it is a difficult yet easy to practice first step into your development of spirit bending."

"What's so difficult about it?" You questioned, making your father laugh.

"Now we must sit and meditate here." Your father stated, running his hand through his beard.

"For how long?" You quickly questioned.

Your father smirked, looking back out to the drifting clouds.

"Until you can make a clouds rain. And it gives me a good time to take a rest. Driving your butt all the way to Ba Sing Sei is a lot of work, you know." Your father jested, rising to his feet.

You laughed, looking out to the vastness of the sky.

"It's going to be a while then.." You whispered, slicking back your hair.

"However long you wish to take. Although we will be leaving in 2 days. So, take as long as you need." Your father stated, beginning to walk away.

"It took me a decade to at least stop a cloud. So let's hope you can shorten that into a day. Remember, all water is connected. What may feel like a wall is more likely a mirror." He chimed, disappearing around the path.

"Super vague and unhelpful. Classic dad." You scoffed, looking to the vast sky.

"Alright.. Stop a cloud."


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