Jyuu Go

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A good two weeks passed. It was difficult readjusting back to your old way of living. Living on a boat really changed your senses. You felt on edge at all times. You really hated it.

You walked along the pathways of the village. Looking and admiring the intricate work that had been done to recreate the destroyed homes.

A smile crossed your face as you watched the lively village.

Currently, you were on the path towards the village center. The central pagoda was where your father told you to meet him. You followed along the path. Feeling the gentle snow land on your face.

Just as you grew comfortable, you sensed a slight vibration in the snow around you.


The movement was quick. You summoned a sharp projectile of ice from the snow around you. Holding it just above your side, you pointed it to the threat you felt coming towards you.

Your eyes widened in surprise seeing the face of Akai staring at you in shock.

"Akai, I!" You exclaimed quickly, dropping the jagged object to the side.

"N-no, no, it's my fault. I rushed on you." Akai replied, holding his hands up in surrender.

You turned red, bowing your head.

"I'm sorry I did that." You replied.

"It's fine, honestly, I just caught you by surprise. I'm glad to see you can hold your own." Akai jested, making you laugh.

"A month on a Fire Nation ship changes you, I guess." You replied, turning back to your path. Akai followed after you.

"How was it on the ship?" He questioned.

You felt a rush of memories run through your mind. The feeling of dry, heated air. The old man's kindness towards you. A certain prince's breath against your neck. Being able to play an instrument amongst Fire Nation Soldiers. The gaze of the prince's warm eyes. His face was so close to yours.

"Boring." You replied, continuing to walk along.

"Really? I thought you'd have to be fighting off Fire Nation Soldiers at all times. I felt terrible for letting you go." Akai muttered, a slight tone of guilt lining his voice.

You stopped looking up to the graying sky.

"It wasn't your fault, Akai. I made the decision to protect everyone. And I'm paying for it now." You replied, looking to Akai with a glare.

It was a glare that was lacking in hate or dismay. It was a glare of disappointment. Not in Akai, but in yourself. You had such a life to be had here, and yet it all changed. Your love shifted, and your personality shifted. It was all off for you. Akai's mouth opened to say something. But he couldn't muster a word in his mouth.

He sighed, looking away from you.

You sighed alongside him, continuing to the central pagoda. You had to leave Akai behind. He had to live a life without you. How could you stand to have someone love you. Who you couldn't love.

You entered the pagoda. Stopping the conversation of the Waterbending elders. Your father smiled, waving you over. You glided to the group of elders. Taking your seat next to your father.

Your father looked to the group and sent them off. Leaving the pair of you alone in the room.

"Is there anyone here who's a part of your secret tea club?" You questioned, making your father laugh.

"Just a few of us. Although we are out of practice with the other members." He replied with a smile.

"Why did you never tell me about your secret tea club?" You questioned.

Your father laughed, looking back to you.

"My tea club was a secret, as you said. But I also thought you were too young to hear about itt." He explained, scratching his beard.

"But it seems you're more of an adult than I expected." He stated, looking to the fire in front of the pair of you.

You laughed, running your hand through your hair.

"Because of that, I think it is time you explore the world." Your father stated, pouring himself a cup of tea.

"Explore the world?" You questioned watching the man sip from his cup.

"Yes, you have been given a trickle of Fire Nation. But I believe you need to explore more of the world. So that is why I'm sending you to the Earth Kingdom."

"What!?" You exclaimed, shock in your tone.

Your father looked to you in genuine surprise.

"What? I thought a teenager would be excited about going to the great city of Ba Sing Sei." Your father questioned.

"Ba Sing Sei!? I barely got back home, dad!" You yelled in surprise.

"Ba Sing Sei is tame. There are other things I can force upon you to do, but I haven't." Your father jested with a laugh.

"Dad.." You muttered in a serious tone.

Your father let out a breathy sigh, bending the tea in his cup.

"Right now, I can't trust myself to protect you in this village. We barely made it through one attack. I almost died, and we lost two warriors. Over time, it will be between a few numbers to survive. I will not allow you to die or be captured over decisions I made." Your father stated, looking over to you. There was a strange calmness in his eyes that made you tremble in sadness.

"Therefore, an opportunity arose in which one of my very old friends: a master earthbender named Dìqiú has recently left his Ba Sing Sei manor. He does not want his home to fall into disrepair, so I offered you up to take stewardship of his home." Your father explained, pulling the cup of tea to his lips.

"Y/N, I understand you want to fight and protect your home. But if it comes at the price of your young life. I don't know how I'd live with myself." Your father muttered, a tone of hurt echoing in his voice.

Your eyes eased hearing your father's pleasure. You held onto his shoulder as you wiped your eyes.

"Dad.. I-I appreciate this." You replied, looking to the fire.

"You're right.. I would fight to the death to protect this place, but is it really worth giving my life up?" You questioned in a huff.

"Being on that ship changed me. I don't know why, but I can't process remaining here any longer." You stated, turning to your father.

"I'll go, dad. I'll go.."


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