Jyuu Nana

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"What was that!?" You excitedly questioned in the dim lantern light.

Your father sat in front of him. The old man let out a huff as he wiped his forehead. The question left the man quiet as he pondered over the topic. You sat alright in front of him, your eyes vivid in wonder.

He let out a sigh as he leaned back.

"I really have no idea." He replied with a goofy grin. You rolled your eyes and groaned.

"What do you mean? You looked really confident when you were doing it!" You exclaimed once more.

Your father sighed, stroking his chin hairs.

"Well, I suppose you could call it Spiritbending. It's an obscure bending style. No, it's more of a research bending. It was only a theory up til now." Your father explained, looking up to the moon above.

"We'll how does it work?" You questioned.

Your father again sighed as he tried formulating the best answer in his head.

"Well, let me put it like this. Chi is the fundamental energy of the universe. It flows through us and every living being. This makes a connection between us all. Meaning that we are all connected." Your father explained, waving his hand in the air to demonstrate.

"By understanding this relationship, Benders can therefore use their element to manipulate the chi that connects us. We, as waterbenders, do this through healing. We are able to manipulate the energies of another person to positively influence healing. There are firebenders who are capable of identifying blockages and chi points in the body, too. Again, using the element to channel and manipulate chi that connects us as living beings." Your father continued.

"And spirits are made full of chi." You replied, getting a nod from your father.

"Spirits are easy to understand, and our theory was that maybe we could realign the energies of another living being. Positively influencing the soul of another living being." Your father continued, scratching his beard hairs.

"Interesting.. And it worked!" You exclaimed, making your father chuckle.

"Just barely... Although our theory is at least true. It opens other doors that can be dangerous." He added, looking back up to the moon.

You sat there thinking about the same possibilities running through your father's mind. Your brain never had to work this hard before, but it slowly came to you.

"It could also negatively influence. But wouldn't that deteriorate the soul of another being?" You questioned, imaginary sparks escaping your ears.

Your father shrugged.

"I have no idea. But I do not want to test those waters. Destroying the soul of another person is far worse than death." Your father let out a groan before slicking his hair back.

His grim appearance suddenly brightened as he quickly rose from his seat.

"On a brighter note, we survived!" He hummed, hovering over to his sleeping bundle.

"Although exciting, we still have another half of the trip to travel through." He replied, engulfing himself into the covers of his bundle.

"Best to get a good night's sleep while we still can!" Your father exclaimed, turning away from you.

A gentle snoring filled the quiet space as your father quickly slipped off into slumber. You sat there in such disbelief, realising the power your father had. This comedic man, who lay there snoring like a badger. Was one of the most powerful waterbenders.

You only hoped you could someday reach the level he was at.

However, at this moment, you had to listen to your father. You let out a quiet sigh before you followed after him. Resting yourself under your own bundle. You stared at the vast universe above. Feeling a new connection between yourself and this vast space of life.

 Feeling a new connection between yourself and this vast space of life

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