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The following days were strange. It was terribly strange.

For one, your meals grew increasingly more delicious each evening. Although you were just given one meal every evening. It was still appreciated. Thanks to Iroh's orders, the soldiers allowed you to spend some evenings outside.

As idiotic as his plan was, Zuko carried out the orders to completely circle the entire south pole. It would take an entire month to do so. Yet, Zuko ordered his ship that way he wanted to.

You sat outside the ship, watching the icey rivers flow by, icebergs being caught in their stream.

You held your hand out. A stream of water following after your palm. It's been a while since you were last able to waterbend. It was especially taxing on your body. Your room was small and constrained.

A sigh escaped your lips before you looked about. It wouldn't hurt to practice just a little. You took one last look about, making sure no one was around.

With that established, you stayed towards the side of the ship. You focused yourself, feeling the cold breeze that flowed around you.

"Water does not exist apart from you. It is you." You whispered to yourself.

You began your movements.

"Part the wild horses mane, white crane that spreads its wings." You began to flow through each move. Stepping forward with each form.

As you moved, the water beneath the boat moved with you. Forming a stream of water above the river below.

After each form, you allowed yourself to collect and release a breath of air.

Each form you moved through grew repeatedly more expressive. The turning and twisting of your body are akin to the flow of a river. The only thing was that you had difficulty remembering how your father described each move.

Each movement felt like it was rocking the ship. Moving it along the narrow strait.

"What are you doing?!" A familiar angered voice questioned.

You looked back, stopping your forms. Dropping the water you summoned.

"Oh, your royal highness!" You exclaimed, bowing your head towards the male.

He grunted, walking towards you.

"What were you doing?" He questioned, towering over you.

You smirked before looking back up to him.

"I was practicing my waterbending is all. Have to keep sharp so I can keep everyone fit and healed!" You explained quickly. Trying to avoid upsetting the prince.

"Hm, I want to observe." The prince ordered standing at the side.

"W-what?" You questioned, holding your hands in front of you.

"I said, I want to observe!" Zuko exclaimed, grabbing onto your arm.

You struggled slightly, trying to pull your arm back.

"W-why?!" You exclaimed, pulling your arm back.

"I've never been able to fully watch a waterbender's movements. I'm curious to see how you can move." Zuko continued, curiosity on his gaze.

"Well, if you're going to use it to fight against my people. I don't want to show you!" You exclaimed back up.

"What makes you think I am? Im.just curious to see." Zuko exclaimed.

You paused, looking to the burn scar at Zuko's side. You gulped, putting your hands at your side.

"Promise then..." You whispered.

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