A Second Chance

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*Third POV*

He was forced to watch in horror as one by one the Phantom Thieves fell in the fight against the god of control, Yaldabaoth. And with each thief fell, the bonds he made with them severed as his persona's of each arcana screamed, from pain and anguish. Haru was the first to fall by Yaldabaoth's hands, and soon after Futaba fell with her. Then Makoto was next, followed by Yusuke, Ann, Ryuji, and finally Morgana, who was created to guide him in order to avoid ruin. Along with many of his other bonds and some of mankind were erased.

Thankfully he still felt the Strength and Fool arcanas still strong as ever with the fool arcana somewhat unstable. Meaning that Lavenza and Igor were still despite the things that Yaldabaoth has done to his friends and bonds. He figured that since the Velvet Room was between dream and reality, mind and matter it would continue to exist no matter what Yaldabaoth does. Though he felt the reason for his bond with the Fool arcana was unstable was because it wasn't formed with the real Igor but with Yaldabaoth. But it wasn't severed since the bond can't seem to tell the difference between real and fake.

However despite this and no matter how hard he fought, in the end he was on his knees breathing heavily from the pain. He was the only one left standing against Yaldabaoth now, though was fight worth it in the end? What could he possibly gain from defeating Yaldabaoth besides possible fame and arrest. His friends, family, and some of mankind were gone because of the god. He had no one to go back to even if he somehow succeeds in defeating Yaldabaoth all by himself.

"Give up Trickster, you have lost. Your bonds have been severed, Some of mankind has been purged from history. This is the Punishment for opposing a god." Yaldabaoth gloats

He glares at the god as he stands back up, he won't give up now, his friends and loved ones wouldn't want that. He was going to defeat the god of control no matter what and save those who were left. Even if it means that he'll die in the end, he do whatever it takes to avenge everyone who were purged. He began to hear the pleas of the remaining members of mankind as they begged him not to give up. Which he isn't gonna let those pleas go ungranted.

"I won't..."


"I said I won't! I won't give up, I don't care if my friends are dead! I don't care if my love ones are dead! I don't care if some of mankind! I don't care about your punishment! Yaldabaoth, I'm taking you down so the rest of mankind shall live!" He shouts as he points his dagger at the god.

"Fool. You are alone, it is futile to resist. Accept your fate." Yaldabaoth states.

'My fate? How dare he...'

How dare that monster to speak about his fate when Yaldabaoth controlled everything from the start to the end. But just because his fate was decided he won't give up, not after he gained his resolution. He was going to avenge his friends, his loved ones, and everyone who died, he was going to defeat Yaldabaoth. He then noticed a lot of small glowing orbs surrounding him as he can hear the shouts from those left. Then he felt his mask disappear into blue flames, as Arsene appears behind him.

"From the sea of your soul I have been reborn and heed your call. Now it's time to release thy rage

"SATANAEL!" He shouts

He proceeds to grab the chains and breaks them, causing Arsene to turn into flames as the sky grows dark. Then after a couple of minutes, a tall being known as Satanael, the second son of god and Satan's true from, descended from the heavens. The opposite to how Yaldabaoth ascended from the depths. The gigantic six winged figure stood behind him as he awaited his command, staring at Yaldabaoth. Yaldabaoth was taken aback but doesn't believe Joker will succeeds even with his new persona.

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