Akira: The Fool & Hierophant

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*Akira's POV*

I walked around Paulownia Mall as I looked around for any traces of a blue door or well a cell door to be more accurate. This was due to the fact I already went through the Iwatodai strip mall the other night and didn't see it. Though it did have shops like a bookstore and a bunch of restaurants, however one of the restaurants caught my attention so I'll check it out later. I looked around and saw that there were an arcade, a karaoke bar, a night club, a police station, and a few stores that have yet to open. Then I notice a faint blue light coming from the alleyway, I had a small smile form as I walked towards the velvet room before entering.

As I began to open my eyes, I could hear the sound of a piano accompanied by a woman's voice sounded throughout the room. I was in my jail cell but this time instead of wearing prison clothes, I was in my Phantom thief attire. I got up from the bed and made my way outside of the jail cell as I saw a familiar figure in front of me. He had his signature smile on his face, though not as tired or in pain from before. It was none other than Igor himself, the real him and not that stupid cup god bastard.

"Ah, Trickster... Welcome to the velvet room. I'm relieved that you have made it here safe and sound." Igor said while siting in his chair behind his desk.

"Glad to see that you're okay, Igor. Despite what had happened to you for who knows how long." I said with a smile

"I am thankful for your concerns, Trickster. Thankfully my master was able to patch me up so me and my assistant can aid and guide you like originally planned."

"Speaking of assistant, where's Lavenza? I don't see her anywhere." I looked around but didn't see her.

"Well... You see." Igor motions his hand as two familiar figures walks from behind his chair.

"Caroline!? Justine?!" I exclaim in surprise as the two nods

"What happened?!"

"I'm afraid that even we do not know, Inmate... We woke up in this state after we were sent back in time." Justine explains

"That's right, Inmate. But we do have small clue on what had happened." Caroline states as Igor nods.

"Indeed, it would seem that when we were sent back in time it undid the fusion that was performed to turn Lavenza back to normal. Thankfully it didn't get rid of their memories." Igor explained

"I see, that's good." I sigh in relief

'It would've been a pain to help them regain their memories again...'

"Now then, I wish to discuss with you about some important things." Igor states in a serious tone, which makes me look at him.

"Firstly, as you know, you have been tasked with saving your two predecessors from their fate. However, they must not know your mission or the fact you aren't from this time period. Which is why you don't have your phantom thief attire and mask since you'll be using a different summoning method for the time being. But you will gain those back in the near future."

"I see... But will I be able to reveal my true self at one point?" I asked as Igor nods

"Near the end of the journey, I don't like the idea of you keeping this secret but it has to be done."

"Yeah, I don't like it either..." I stated in frustrations. 

"Secondly, you still have your wild card ability and third eye ability. I suggest being clueless when using them, this is to avoid the other wildcards from knowing that you know about this place. So when you need to come to the Velvet room, make sure you are not followed and do not worry, I'll make sure to keep your visits a secrets in case they ask."

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