In Another Reality

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*Makoto's POV*

I let out a sigh as I slumped against the couch while watching some TV with the others since we couldn't go to Tartarus. Originally were going to go so we can make some more progress but Kirijo-Senpai told us we couldn't go due to something coming up. She didn't tell us what it was but it must be so important to postpone our trip to Tartarus. But we all decided not to ask as her and the chairman were busy discussing this 'important' matters. Though that didn't stop Junpei from complaining about it.

Though I was grateful since I was a bit tired from exploring the other night and having been out an about getting some supplies earlier. I was glad that Sanada-Senpai was able to help us by showing us where we can get weapons and some funds. It was really helpful, if not suspicious if someone notices but who will question the police? Though 5,000 yen can only get you so much but I'm not complaining, it's free money. Then, I felt a hand on my shoulder as I looked to the side, it was none other then my twin sister Kotome.

"Do you think Kirijo-Senpai will tell us what the important matters are at some point? Or just keep quiet until it happens."

"Eh, it's probably the second option. I mean Yukari didn't seem to know about me and you transferring to the dorms. So she defiantly gonna tell us when it happens."

"Yeah, I guess you're right." Then Junpei proceeds to groan out loud which made us all look at him.

"But what is so important that she can't tell about! I mean if it's important enough that we can't go to Tartarus shouldn't we know what it is?"

"I'm sure senpai has her reasons, after all it's not like her to hide something from us and plus the chairman seems to know too. Maybe it's something related to Tartarus and they're trying to understand." Yukari explain, even though she wants to know.

"Though how come Sanada-Senpai is left in the dark? Isn't he always told about these certain things?" Kotome questions

"It might be because it was a last minute change, under normal circumstances I would be aware of what's going on. But if it's a last minute change then I won't be in the loop like Mitsuru is. I mean the same thing happened with Makoto and Kotome after all. So like you four, I have to wait as well." Akihiko explained as he sat with his arms crossed.

"But wait, then why didn't you seem so surprised to see me and Kotome if you were left in the dark about us?" I ask as I remember the first time we properly met.

"Oh, that's because I was informed the following morning after you two arrived." He answered as he shrugs a bit.

"Huh, that explains a lot." Kotome states

"So that why Sanada-Senpai doesn't know... You would think that they would take some time to explain to him what's going on." Yukari said as she leaned on one of her hands, thinking about Sanada-Senpai's explanation.

"Who knows... It's best we wait and see, making assumptions won't get us anywhere. So Junpei, kindly stop complaining." I said as Junpei groans but nods.

"Thank goodness. I was tired of hearing his whining." Yukari says in relief

Junpei looked at Yukari with an offended look as it looks like he was gonna say something but stopped when Yukari gave him a glare. Junpei quietly sank into his seat as Yukari turns her attention back to the TV, which was currently on the news. It talked about how it was gonna be another bright sunny day tomorrow. I let out a yawn as the news kept talking about the weather and about the increase in Apathy Syndrome around Iwatodai. Apathy Syndrome wasn't uncommon here since it's been around for a couple of years, but it's the source was.

Apathy Syndrome are caused by shadows, creatures that roam around and harm people who up an about during the time shadows are roaming. And once the shadows are done with their prey, the victim is left as a lost after the hour ends. However, not many people know since they aren't aware of it, especially since it only happens during one hour after 12 every night. The only ones who are aware are persona users, as well as having a means to defend themselves. Which me and those of this dorm are with the exception of the chairman.

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