A Trickster's Arrival

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*Akira's POV*

"Now arriving in Iwatodai. This is the final train bound to Tatsumi Port Island. Please board before the scheduled departure time."

I opened eyes in surprise as I could hear a voice on the speaker announcing that the train reached the destination. I look around to see that it was nighttime and I was the only one on board as I sigh before standing up from my seat and putting my bag on my shoulder. After exiting the train and leaving the station I looked around and realized that I just I came across some problems. First off, the only thing I know was that I was some in a place called Iwatodai but that was about all I know about this.

I quickly takes out my phone to see if I can learn more information and noticed that it was a flip phone and the date was April 22th 2009. Which means that I have been sent back 7 years into the past for my mission, meaning my predecessors' journey began during this year. Knowing I won't be able to get more information from the internet, I decided to check the time. It shown that It was 5 minutes to midnight meaning that it would soon be April 23th. I close my flip phone and placed it in my pocket before checking the bag I was give, the first thing I noticed was a folder that contained my information as I looked through it.

Akira Kurusu
Age: 16 years old
Birth: 12/24/1993
Blood Type: ???
Parents: ???
 Kurusu(father) and Maya Kurusu(Mother)
Siblings: None
Relatives: ???
Hometown: Inaba
Background: Lost father a few months before birth and his mother in an accident at the age of 4 years old, has been living with his grandparent in Inaba up until 15 years old. Akira gotten a scholarship to attend Shujin Academy as a first year in Tokyo and stayed with his uncle. Then was enrolled into Gekkoukan High School as a second year and is staying in Iwarodai Dormitories. This is due to his uncle having to move out of the city for business.

"So this is my origin, well it's not true one but I suppose it makes sense. After all, my mom's alive but no longer my mom but my counterpart's and my birth year is different to fit with the year. I still remember how she blamed herself for not being able to do more to protect me from the false charges and prove my innocence. And now she'll be heartbroken about my death, she already lost dad she didn't need to lose me too." I wipe away my tears at the memory before sighing.

"Though what remains somewhat the same is my dad's dead, that I went to Shujin, and lived with someone else. Also thank Satanael that it wasn't because of being on probation for assault, I would've lost it if that happened. I didn't need to deal with that again." I say before flipping to the next page and saw it was about the dorms I'll be living in for the time being.

"Iwatodai Dormitories, Huh. I guess that's where I'll stay for the year" I say to myself

I took a look at the information about the dorms, it was a Co-ed dorm so it meant he would be living with both girls and boys. I shrugs before putting folder back into the bag as I looked at the other contents. There were a large amount of yen, medicine, lockpicks, smoke bomb, vanish balls, my grappling hook, and my dagger. As I looked, I noticed that there were no model guns were inside. I was confused at first before remembering that Philemon had told me that I won't have my gun with me, probably because I won't be able to use it.

'At least I don't have to worry about getting in trouble with the police. That's the last thing I want.' I thought to myself when the clock hit midnight.

The power proceeds to go dark as some of the people around sudden stops in place like the time I first arrived in Tokyo. As I looked around the people surrounding me transforms into coffins while the sky and the moon turned green illuminating the city with a green light. Water began to turn into blood, puddles of blood appearing on the ground from places that didn't have water. My eyes widen at the sight before I felt Arsene becoming active in my mind as I felt a sense of familiarity, It was like the metaverse but not at the same time.

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