Gekkoukan High School

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*Akira's POV*

'Time for my first day at school, again.'

I was sitting up as I looked out the window to see beautiful clear skies compared to the dark clouds back in Tokyo. I stretch as I got up from my bed and quickly change into my school uniform. I didn't want to be late on my first day like last time, even though it wasn't mine or Ryuji's fault that happened. But since no one knew of the Metaverse except for persona-users, there was no way anyone would believe us. I shake my head at the memory as I began to think of my next course of action.

First, I'll need to locate the Velvet room and talk with Igor and Lavenza like Philemon instructed, from what I know, the velvet room was usually located in either a commercial area. Or a place with a high concentration of shadows are located. Considering that I can't enter that tower at the moment due to lacking my mask, which is another question I'll have to ask. That meant that I have to go to a commercial shopping district. Second, I need to do was go to the giant tower he saw last night and discover more about it once I find away to summon my persona again.

And lastly, I need to go to school, because despite everything I've done, from fighting shadows, corrupted individuals, and finally god. School is very important thing that all teenagers go through, and I'm a teenager myself. Plus it's not like I can skip it since Mitsuru-Senpai wouldn't be happy to hear that. Though off topic, why is there a camera in my room? What purpose does it even serve? Guess I'll have to remove it when I have the chance, then I hear a knock on the door along with a voice.

"Hey, it's me Yukari. Can I open the door?"

"It's open." I called out as the door opened, revealing a brown haired girl wearing a pink sweater.

"Mitsuru-Senpai asked me to show the way to the school."

"I see, thank you." I say with a smile as she was nervous.

"Um, last night was everything okay on the way here?"

"Well, I told Makoto-San that everything was okay on my way here. Why do you ask?"

'I really want ask about the blood, coffins, and the giant tower, but something's telling me that I shouldn't. At least, not yet.' I thought to myself as she sighs.

"Forget it, just don't mention what happened last night to anybody"

"Um... Okay?"

We both make our way outside of the dorms after I grabbed my school bag, she began to lead us to the station. Taking a train to school wasn't something new, considering I had to take the train every day to get to Shujin Academy. However there was a difference and that was the view, most of the time I was either staring into the crowd or the subway wall. While here at Tatsumi Port Island, the train to Gekkoukan was above ground which means you can see the ocean and be in awe of a truly beautiful sight.

"There it is, Gekkoukan High School" Yukari said as she points at a white building with a lot of windows.

'That's were the giant tower was last night.' I thought to myself as I look at the school.

After getting off the train at Tatsumi Port Island Station, Yukari guides me towards Gekkoukan High School as I was left in awe. Shujin Academy was more like a prison than a school with its dull grey walls, small glass windows, small courtyard with an oppressive area around it. While Gekkoukan High School on the other hand was a shining beacon of light, clean white walls and huge glass windows along with lots of open space around it. Comparing the two schools, I can tell Gekkoukan is way better than Shujin, even though Shujin is a prestigious school.

"Um, Yukari-San? Which class am I in?" I asked as we enter the main lobby.

"Oh right! Mitsuru-Senpai told me to tell you to go to the faculty office after you arrived." Yukari informs me as he points towards her right.

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