Kotome: Magician

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*Kotome's POV*

I woke up to the sound of my alarm going off as I was sitting up with a yawn as I began to smile at the sight of the beautiful bright sky. I was surprised that I was able to sleep after what had happened last night. I stretch as I got up from my bed and changed into my school uniform as well as putting my hair up. I opened my flip phone to see what the time was before closing it. Then I hear a knock on the door, I walk over to the door and open it to see that it was Yukari and my brother Makoto.

"Morning Makoto, Yukari!" I greet them

"Morning!" Yukari says with a smile.

"Good morning, Koto. Are you ready to head to school?" Makoto asked as I nod.

"Sure am, let's go!"

I quickly grab my school bag before walking out of my room while making sure my headphones were hanging on my shoulder. I closed my door before we began to make our way to the stairs so we can head downstairs. However, once we were on the second floor Yukari walked towards the hallway, which caused me and Makoto to stop. We looked at her in confusion as to where she was going. So my brother called out to her to see if she what she was doing.

"Yukari, where are you going? We have to get to school." Makoto asked in confusion

"Sorry, Mitsuru-Senpai asked me to show Kurusu-Kun the way to the school. So I'll be arriving at school a bit later."

"That makes sense, since he's new here he probably doesn't know his way to school." I nodded at my brother's words.

"Okay, we'll see you in class!"

"See you two there."

Yukari walked down the hallway while me and Makoto went on ahead as we arrived to the ground floor. As we were walking, I couldn't help but think about what had happened last night. Kurusu-Kun appearance was something I was not expecting especially since he arrived during the dark hour and he didn't show any signs of confusion. Not to mention the whole 'Trickster' thing that Igor mentioned. All of which isn't something that's common, could that mean he was a potential persona user?

'I can think more about it later, right now I should focus on school.' I thought as I shake my head.

After getting off the train at Tatsumi Port Island Station, we make our way towards Gekkoukan High School. We both walked in silence as we heard others talking about a new student arriving today and wondering if their female or male. Me and my brother knew who exactly they were talking about but didn't say a word as we enter the school. As we were about to walk passed the lockers, we heard two girls talking to one another from the other side. We stopped to hear what they were saying since they tend to have information that's connected to the dark hour.

"Is it just me, or have there been more weird people around lately?"

"Like the ones with Apathy Syndrome? There are some in my neighborhood, too... It's seriously creepy. Sometimes I wonder what'll happen if I end up like that, and just it just depresses me..."

"Maybe we'll be okay if we exercise and improve our stamina. Actually I heard that the track team is still accepting new members. Maybe running will make us stronger? Unless you want to do volleyball instead, though you'll have to wait until tomorrow." Then the bell rang as we hurried to our class.

It took a few minutes to get to class, we quickly sat down in our seats as my brother was deep in thought about something. I already knew what he was thinking about as I pulled out my textbook out of my bag. I then look around to see that there weren't that many people here yet, including Yukari as Junpei was napping on his desk. After a couple of minutes, Yukari enters the room and greets me and Makoto before whacking Junpei on the head. I let out a chuckle as he cries out in pain as he sat out while rubbing his head.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14 ⏰

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