Chapter 2:Chaos

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Aryas POV:
The devil is here ADITYA SINGHANIA one of the richest companies owner. He was bhai and raghav bhais other best friend and I swear to god this piece shit was so annoying i would love to call him a "ameer baap ki bigde huve aulaad" but i couldn't because his company was self made their was no help of his family as per I know he was jerk he's not as cold as he is in the company. Where did get know all this well I stalked him but but just to take my revenge. If someone was my biggest enemy it would be him. Once when I was 11 and he was 19 freaking nineteen ,he stuck gum in my hair and I had to chop off my beautiful hair that's when the war started.
"Itna late kyu aya?" Raghav bhais mom questioned him.
(Why are you so late)
"Sorry aunty agli dafa se Jaldi aoga"he replied
(Sorry aunty!I'll be early from next time)
He greeted everyone and sat down beside raghav bhai while bhai was continuously apologising to him.
It kind of how hurted how papa treated Aditya as his own but didn't speak to me. Rajesh uncle adityas father was in partnership whit papa.
As the elder were  deciding Bhabhi said she  wanted everything simple so she decided to do only 3 main functions nikkah,wedding & reception. We had dinner,we sitting on the sofa and the adults were on the dining table while bhabhi was showing bhai pictures of her outfits and I was on phone as usual. That's when somebody stomped on my foot.hard. A yelp escaped my mouth which shut since the past 2 hours. "BRO what the fuck are you doing are you blind or something?" I shouted at him "language-" bhai was about to speak but Aditya cut him off"You're the one whit glasses not my fault your foot is In between" the audacity this man has "Get lost bitch" I can't control anymore I have had enough of his shit.
"Mind your language I'm your elder understood little one?" Oh hell nah how dare he called me little "then act like an adult idiot, AND dont call me that again!" I shouted back "sure little one" bitch "yeah ok cute oldie" I smirked in victory it pisses him off when someone calls him cute. The annoyance on his face made my victory fair "bas karo kabse dono faltu ka lar rahe ho" bhabhi said making him sit back on his seat.
"It's her fault" the jerk spoke again.
"Bro how is it my fault,you started it!" I mean like how-
"It's your fault that you are an idiot" bitch.
"Atleast I'm something instead of you who is just an stray dog" I smirked but it soon vanished when he replied
"You should not describe yourself, and looks like you also agree your an idiot"
"shut up-" I was talking but suddenly raghav bhai grabbed my wrist and started dragging me like a sack of potato.
"What are you doing-" I tried asking but he cut me off again what actual hell is going on right now
"We don't need to stay whit jerks so let's go to an another room dear sister"he said loud enough for bhai,bhabhi & aditya to hear.
I'm done.
I have no idea what's going on.
"Raghav bhai what exactly are you trying to do?" I asked as we sat on the bed in raghav bhai's room.
" Are you not mad at all,about your brother marrying my sister" he asked frustrated what kind of question is this?
"No? why will I be mad besides they love each other, who am I to interfere theirs no point of you being mad either it not like they would get divorced if you're mad"
I know that sounds rude but it's an honest answer.
"Tobah karo!" Raghav bhai screamed-spoke.(shut up)
"I'll be taking my leave,we will meet at weddings I guess?"
Raghav bhai sighed and i left.
                                             ིྀ ིྀ ིྀ
I had meeting whit an really important client I was thinking to take a flight back to London as this meeting was really important but look at my luck the client was in India.Things were quite hard whitout Eva I just got free from the meeting and as always the meeting was successful but this it was a big deal for me. The meeting was at a local cafe so I took some coffee I was just walking out whit a black coffee in my hand and my other hand was occupied by my flies and cell phone. Thats when I bumped into someone hard and dropped my coffee on their shirt.
I dropped the coffee on someone.
Black coffee.
I looked up to see a young handsome guy standing their whit his white sweater covered whit MY black coffee. What have I done🤦🏻‍♀️.
"Shit. I'm so sorry I didn't see you there. I..l was just so into myself I'm extremely sorr-"
"Hey calm down mam it's alright, I'm fine it's just a stain" he said in the most calm voice how the hell is this guy so calm I would killed someone if they did that to me.
Everyone is not like you bitch
My inner voice taunted me.
"No it's not alright I'll I'll buy you a new shirt the exact same one pls come whit me"
"No it's alright-" he's was speaking when another guy cut him off.
"Yo everything good?"
I recognised this voice.
But what the hell is he doing here.
"You! You did this intentionally didn't you?" The jerk spoke as he recognised me.
"No why would I don't even know this guy?, and you sir I don't have much time to waste on this idiot so here just take some money and I'm sorry again " i haded him 5000 rps  and I rushed from there I did not want to face him right now. I was not the type of person who thought money is everything but right now I was in a rush.
I had a branch of my company ELITE-ARCH in India as well so I went there to handle some day was over it was currently 8:30 pm I took my car keys and headed home.
Just as I entered I saw mama and papa sitting their whit tense looks on their faces. "Is everything alright, do you guys wanna say something?" I broke the awkward silence.
"Come here sit down we need to talk" papa stood up he was very calm but tensed as well. He never talked to me whitout an important reason, and now i could feel a storm coming towards me. I sat down in front of mama and papa and I next thing papa said shocked me to my core.
So this chap was kind of about their bickering it was kind of cringe but the real drama will start from the chap🫶🏻🌝. A vote doesn't hurt now dose it?

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