Chapter 3:Storm

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Aryas POV:
"We want to get you engaged,if you're ok" I felt as if the air around me thickened ."w-what are you saying papa?" Words barely came out of my mouth."we know this is shocking for you but we are not forcing you,just meet the guy he's amazing if you don't like him just tell us" mama tried her best to comfort me. The tears welled up in my eyes threatened to drop but no this time i need to be strong . I'm not weak. "Does-does bhai know?" I tried my best not to breakdown."no we'll tell him if you say yes" "I'll think about it" i rushed from there and locked my door . Whit my hands trembling I tried my best not to make any sound I dropped to the ground I can't. I can't go through all of it again. I need to relax myself .
Breath in.
Breath out.
Everything is alright.
I need a shower.
I ran to the shower. Drenched in cold water all the memories flashed in front of me enough.                                          
I'm done.
I'll not be weak again.
I'll not ruin my life.
I'll decline before meeting the guy.
I don't care anymore about anyone.
I will take the right decision.
Once I dressed myself properly I decided to tell mama papa I'm not ready.
Taking slow steps I headed downstairs I was about to knock on the door when I heard papa talking to someone "I understand Rajesh bhai our companies will get more profit and so will the kids companies it will be an successful deal for their engagement" seems like he's talking about my engagement but what does Rajesh uncle have to do whit this? I know it's not good to eavesdrop but if it's about my engagement which I have still not agreed to how can I not listen. So papas doing this for profit. Ouch.didn't know he hated me that much. Should I meet the guy once? What if he's different. What if he's not like him. I should meet him what if that will make dad proud. Will he love finally love me if I meet the guy I'm sure he won't be bad. If that's what it takes to make papa proud I'll do it I'll accept the engagement even if I don't like the guy what if it makes dad happy?. I knocked. "Yes bache come in,sit, so what have you decided?"    It  was the first time I heard love and care in his voice unfortunately that was for his benefit aswell."hm, im ready to meet the guy" his face lit up while I tried to act as strong as I could."Well that's great, should I call them after a day or two" call then whenever you want" another forced smile does he even care about me?. Should've died that day,would've been better.
                                     ིྀ ིྀ ིྀ
It's been 2 days since I told papa yes he hasn't told when they will come.I just came to the company. I had 2 online meetings I can't take then virtual as I'm in india. Our big project is coming up my people in London are working on it I have sent them the information. *ting,ting,tingg* mamas call ,I had expected it. "Hello,yes?" "Hello beta aj jaldi ajana 7:00 baje tak" (be here till 7:00)"why?" I knew why but still."you know why " she cuts the call" what's wrong with her she looked so happy in the morning did I ruin her mood or something.
After a while,
It was 6:30pm right now I'll leave right now to avoid traffic otherwise mama will kill thankgod I wore traditional I don't have time to get ready. I took my car keys and rushed it's 7:00 right now and their is so much traffic mama will definitely kill me .I was stuck in the traffic that's when *thup* what the actual fuck? I got out to see the bumper crashed of my Mercedes benz
"kutta saala!harami andha hai kiya iske paise tere baap bhare ga?"
(Bloody dog bastard, are you blind,will your father pay for this?)
I shouted at the guy in rage . No body crashes my baby and this fucker broke her he's gonna pay for it.
"kiya hogaya madam gari he tou hai,paise ke liye kyu itna mar rahi ho"
(What's wrong mam,why are you dying for money)
he said walking out of his car to check mine oh let me tell you bitch. I got in my car and pulled the reverse gear crashing his headlights. The traffic opened and drove off I heard the bitch cursing me but do I care? no. Just as came on my houses doorstep I saw a fimilar car.Aditya's car what's he doing here?
Aditya's pov:
Right now we were going to my future fiancé's house?I was forced. Maa always gets me new people for me to get married, even when I told her I don't want to get married she thinks I'll get too old. I can decline anybody's request but not hers she's my mother the only one I listen to. The past ones I declined, I had my reasons half of them were freaking gold diggers. And the one we are going to meet right now, well mom didn't even tell me the girls name or a picture but she's been praising her since I agreed. Well i doubt she's not another gold digger.
"Why are we at rehaans house,papa?" "To meet Bhabhi" Kabir said,what? I'm so confused "beta,the girl we were talking about is Arya"mama said seeing my confused face.What is she saying "Arya Malhotra?" No way she can be the girl,are these people gone mad,how the hell did she even agree,does rehaan know? "Yes beta now come on get off the car" maa said as papa parked the car.I took mama to the side "what is this mama I can't get engaged to arya she's a kid infront of me,does rehaan know,does she know?,what are you all doing" "beta relax,everyone knows and arya has agreed so come on and now no buts" no way I'm getting engaged to her.
I'll decline I don't give a shit about anyone.what was she even thinking when she agreed to get engaged to me last I remember I think we have an hate relationship not even relation we fight like dogs.she hates me,so do I then why did she agree? I need to find a reason to decline this.
I greeted uncle aunty,rehaan was nowhere to be found. I knew they hadn't told him.we were waiting for her a screech echoed outside,she's here. Just as she came in confusion filled her face,she doesn't know. She sat beside her mother and whispered something in her ear just when her mother whispered something back she gasped and shock was visible on her face."why don't you both go and have talk alone"she gave my father a bitter smile and walked meanwhile i followed her like a lost puppy.
We entered the backyard, "why the fuck are you here?" She shouted at me frustrated."why am I here?,you are the one who agreed to be my fiancé" "you agreed as well!,and I didn't know it was you!" Why does she have to shout."I didn't agree I was forced and trust me if this is another thing for revenge it's not funny anymore"who knows maybe she's doing it for another revenge but engagement is not a joke.
"Are you stupid?it's not revenge" "then decline no way I'm getting married to you" I said sarcastically.
"It's not like I'm dying to get married to you,and I can't decline for some reasons so you go and decline".
Alr so adityas first pov is here and the first few chaps will be cringe but trust me it will get exciting soon 🌝 the wait will be worth it,follow zohawritess on insta for spoilers love y'all 💋.

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