(5) Shame

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Season 1, Episode 3: Tell It To The Frogs

October 4th, Day 61

Rory was awake thanks to the Morales' kids. Kat was in the RV where Rory knew she'd be safe, munching down on her cat food - inhaling, more like. That cat never seems to chew.

Rory didn't want to talk to anyone right now, she just wanted to be alone in her thoughts. Rory played her memories over and over again, and she realized that she never had a dad.

She sighs and glances over at Shane. "Mr. Walsh?" She asked, nervously fiddling with a strand of her hair.

"What's up?"

Rory stood up, walking over to him. "How do you know Mr. Grimes?"

Shane folds his arms, "We were on the police force together, partners in crime."

Rory thought for a minute, looking over at the Grimes tent, "Why did you say he was dead?" She asked, cautiously.

She knew she was stepping into dangerous territory. Shane didn't respond, though, not saying a word as he walked away.

Rory bit the inside of her cheek, glancing down. She flinched when she felt a hand on her shoulder. Looking up, she saw Glenn smiling down at her.

"How are you, kid?" Glenn asked.

Rory shrugged, glancing down at the ground. "Why do some people lie?"

Glenn was taken aback by the answer, but nevertheless tried his best to explain. "Well, some people-er, uh... some people are just..."

"You don't know," a soft sigh escaped Rory's lips and she nodded, "that's okay." And with that, she headed back to the RV.

"Water's here, y'all. Just a reminder to boil before use." Shane says getting out of the car he just drove up with, Shane looks at Rory.

Rick walked over to the small child, kneeling down. "Rory, right?"

"Yeah," the blonde nodded, looking up at the former police officer.

Rick smiled softly as Lori walked up, pulling Rory close to her side.

"You look young," Rick said.

"I'm six," Rory responded.

"Do you have any family left?"

"No," Rory mumbled. Rick furrowed his brows, thinking.

Screaming could be heard, causing Rory to flinch and turn around. It sounded like Carl. Her heart raced, eyes wide with fear. She noticed Lori and Rick running to the noise and quickly took off after them.

Rory stopped abruptly and stumbled back into the ground. Looking up, she saw Carl hugging his mother. He is safe.

She stood back up and walked over to the men.

They were all gathering around something. Rory tried to peer past, but she couldn't see anything. Her heart raced in her ribcage.

She knelt down, looking past their legs. A deer and a geek - walker.

Rory gags at the sight, "Wow..."

The deer was dead, the walker kneeled beside it, grabbing handfuls upon handfuls of the deer's guts and devouring the organs. She gagged, hand coming up to her mouth as she looked away. She resisted the urge to vomit.

"Ick," her face grew pale and she clutched her stomach. "Kill it already, please!"

The deer and the walker. The walker was once a person, and the deer was just an animal trying to survive. She couldn't help but feel bad. Maybe the dead still had a conscious mind.

ɢʜᴏsᴛs ~ 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚆𝚊𝚕𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝙳𝚎𝚊𝚍¹Where stories live. Discover now