Chapter 1

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Third person pov

Her life was too hard.

She was born to a loveless bond, an imposition on her parents. So, they left her in an orphanage. She waited for adoption ever since, but when she was little, the people adopted the bigger kids and fluffier ones. As she grew up, the people adopted infants. She lived her life being unwanted everywhere she went.

There, she was kept well, bathed, taught. But, the people were harsh and cunning.

They did not let her eat, made her sleep on the floor though there were spare beds.

Anyway, she gradually grew up against all odds, fighting all the diseases and sickness by herself and even supporting herself financially by doing odd jobs. She had no interest except lazing around and reading.

She was eighteen that time. One day, she knew she earned enough to live fine and rent a place. She left the orphanage the next day. She was terrified of the place and never looked back.

Ah! I wish I hadn't left. Now here I am, sitting in front of my half broken laptop, furiously typing into it. Half of the screen has turned black. The cracks on the screen are so deep that I can barely see anything. That is why I have to be extra aware while typing.

I think the keys are gonna be broken soon, the way Ateez breaks records.

Yes, yes, I am a fanfiction author.

And I do nothing else. I have no skills, no pretty face, no charm and no figure. I am as plain as I can be. I have average acne covered skin, brown small eyes (I'm nearly going blind due to the high power of the lens I wear), a bumpy nose and thin, chapped and cracked lips.

Average height. Large hands.

I don't even have money.

Wait, that thought scared me. (I'll come back after crying)

I currently am living in a rented house. I haven't paid rent for six months and the owner wants to turn me out. She's a kind lady, I must add. She always has sympathy for me.

I barely can feed my stomach. The kind landlady buys me food often. She even lets me borrow her wifi so that I can update my books. The other times I check for wifi-s near myself and often the password 12345 seems to do the trick.

Don't call me wifi stealer after this, please!

My landlady is an angel, I wouldn't lie. Better than my birth parents, at least. I will surely ask her to adopt me.

(Internally rolls eyes)

I try to make a living by writing.

But even that doesn't work out too well. People steal my work all the time, seriously!

Not like my fanfics are superior anyway!


Just a little sneak peak I'll give you.

She emerged out of the crystalline blue water and bent over, almost fainting. He was clueless as to what to do. The girl enticed him ever since she came out of the water seconds ago.

So he did the best thing he could, he kissed her. On the lips. She opened her large blue eyes and whispered, "Kim Hongjoong?" Right before passing out on the wet sand.

Cringe, right?

Bet you couldn't read that fully without gagging once.

Even I think about the absurdity.

He saw her for the first time and he kissed her? How juvenile are they? Hehe. I hope my readers don't notice this obviously large plot hole. Smirks evilly.

Thankfully, I have a few loyal readers whom I love even though I don't know who they are.

They will always have my blessings.

Hah! This old grandma will bless all her readers.

Hey! Hey! I'm only twenty two, so not really a grandma. Just that I have spine issues.

At this point, I don't even want any Y/Ns anywhere lol. My life is sad, she's fictional. She deserves my kinda life too, I think.

I begin pouring out a sadistic Y/N. She kills people around her, kills her lover.

Wow! She changed from a flower girl to emo girl to a serial killer. My story took like a thousand degree turn. Wait that degree doesn't even exist! The max is like 360.

I wonder if my readers will read this....

I am too tired to think so I sleep on an empty stomach. I used to have a big appetite. Now I can't even feel hungry anymore.

That's what poverty does to you.

If only my landlady, Mrs. Ji was my mother!

I sigh and close the laptop as I plop down on the mattress, which is brutally battered by the way.

I wonder how these poor girls in fanfics get like, ultra rich guys who are willing to be their sugar daddy and they even fall in love with them. I don't oppose the idea though. I'm poor. Like they depict, I'm not pretty just like the female leads. But the male leads are apparently very non materialistic. So, why can't I get an ultra hot guy?

I'm a poor girl too! Can I not have one??

At this rate, I'm gonna die a virgin.

Hell, I don't even have a friend. My only friend, Jamie, she was adopted when we were fifteen and when we met again at seventeen, she had the audacity to tell me that she feels embarrassed to hang out with orphans now that she had high end friends. Fuck her, though.

I am content with my readers.

They keep asking me whether I sleep well, eat well and some even compliment my trash books.

Anyway, I yawn and sleep.

In the middle of the night, I hear loud sounds.

I totally rack my brain for any worthy explanation, only to find none.

My hawk like eyes open, just to see a man hovering over my little drawer.

Hey! That Pokemon drawer had all my savings-

I don't think as I get up. Too bad, the floor creaks under me as I wince. I'm not even heavy. I should've fixed the wood on the floor when I had the chance.

I daringly want to slap him and kick him out and I do so, but it seems like a leaf fighting against an elephant. He is fully covered in ultra glowy hideous neon outfit with his face covered with black cloth.

His cloth choice amuses me.

Wow! He's a thief! Doesn't he care about hiding himself in non obvious colours?

The man doesn't wait a moment before he turns, professionally grips the knife that I hadn't noticed earlier and he slits my (pretty) neck and I plummet to the ground, seeing nothing but blurred objects.

My Pokemon drawer, smiley kit, battered mattress, bright blue worn out dress, white dirty sneakers and lastly, my favourite, a big sketch of my Ateez bias.

Darkness envelopes me and I find it difficult to breathe. I only wish for Mrs. Ji to live well.

My eyes flutter close and I feel my body becoming numb and lifeless by each second, with no one but myself by my side.

Born alone and died alone.

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