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I looked around. Coast clear.

The street was well paved, well made with rounded corners, making me feel high VIP, which I would have been in this world, had the circumstances been normal.

Gotta kill a vampire.

Sounds easy, right?

But I'm about to pee my pants just at the thought of that.

I can't articulate how scared exactly I am, all alone with no one by my side except my loneliness, of course, and Leo, whenever I'd call him.

He's the kind of a spirit (guy, unearthly being or whatever you'd like to call him) that you'd call when you have a dead body at hand and need a getaway truck to take it somewhere else.

I maniacally grin at that thought.

"I can hear your thoughts, you know?"

He's red this time, making me scream out loud.

"The f-?!"

He floats closer, attempting to put his half transparent hand on my mouth. "Woah! Don't curse! Vampires closely follow any kind of sound energy produced!"

"Doesn't change the fact that you almost scared my brains out!"

He grinned at me smugly.

I'm gonna see to him later.

Firstly, I've got something to attend to.

I walk farther and farther away from the house, taking occasional swirls of water down my throat, getting those thorns growing inside satiated.

I walk till the house is no more visible.

Okay, now I'm scared.

Save me, mommy!!

It's getting dark.

I don't even know why I decided to venture out here so close to the night.

I stop when I see a board nearby. Unlike the traffic signals and sign boards in our universe, the board says, "Never know what lurks in the darkness."

A cold chill sweeps down my back, yet I don't understand why a thin drop of sweat trails down my cleavage.

I'm terrified.

More than I've ever been in my life.

Taking that phone call was a bad decision.

And coming here without backup was an even worse decision.

I grip my hair.

Another chill runs down my spine, and this time, I'm pretty sure that I'm being watched.

A lonely girl, in the middle of a forest, in the darkness, with fiery red hair enough to make her visible to the blindest mutt.

You'd say she's summoning death.

But that's the last thing I'm trying to do.

I take out the bat from my bag, ready to turn around and take a wild swing in the air, with whatever energy I've left stored in my muscles.

Doesn't help that I haven't eaten a thing ever since I arrived.

Before swinging the bat, I pull out a granola bar from my bag, which is well beyond its expiry date.

Well, not like I haven't ever eaten expired food before.

Hell, I've shared a room with a rat before.

This is nothing.

I pull it out, trying to make as less noise as possible, trying to put it to my lips which resembles the Sahara by now.

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