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I flutter open my eyes.


I can see nothing.

Good. Either I'm in heaven because I failed to complete my task or I have been kidnapped.

That damned phone call!

I remember the phone call clear as daylight.


I pick up the phone.

Someone screams into my ear. A female. That too, a very delicate voice.

"Help! Help! Soohyun! Come to the Forest! Quick!"

I panick.

Who the hell is this woman?

A velvety voice that could bring any man to his knees, a voice that was smooth enough to trick you into believing that she was a damsel in distress.

And I hated how things worked out in her favour right now.

"What happened, Jin?"

I croaked out, my mouth feeling drier. The unfamiliar yet familiar name leaves my mouth.

What happened to her?

"I've been kidnapped! They're about to kill me! They-"

And the line goes dead.

A thousand questions still lingering in my brain, too many for me to digest.

Why am I so fucking kind?

I pick up my laptop, and begin to track the device she called from.

When I pinpoint the exact location, I keep some general stuff of importance and make my way out after saying my prayers out loud twice.

End of flashback

Now that I look at it, I haven't found that girl, and I'm stuck here, in a dark room, my mouth filled with the taste of cloth bathed in detergent, it was tightly bound. The only thing it did was absorb my saliva.

My eyes are covered with a blindfold and the more I try to move, the tighter my restraints get.

I knew it was a bad idea.

I try to bump myself up by slightly pushing my body upwards.

The door clicks. If there's any. Or maybe it's just my desperation seeking an escape.

If this was the world I was originally born in, I'd have no troubles. My life wasn't good, there was no one kidnappers could ask for ransom and no one cared about me, I didn't have any liabilities either.

I try to groan, searching my parched throat for any voice. Nothing.

It pains each time I make an effort.

Suddenly, my head is yanked backwards, making me groan at the impact and I'm sure, some ligaments there twisted.

I could sense something near me.

Very near.

Dangerously near.

Yet still inching closer every second that passes.

"Happy now?"

My blindfold opens up, the silk fabric barely lingering over my skin before sliding down and meeting the floor. Same with the one gripping my mouth. I'm sure my mouth smells like horse poop now.

It's dark, so my eyes don't need to adjust.

But like a firefly, green eyes appear in front of mine.

"You know why you're here?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07 ⏰

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