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The arrow plunges itself into his stomach as he groans out loud.

"Wooyoung! Stay with me!"

I lightly slap his cheek. I can't afford to be alone. Not now.

He weakly smiles at me. "Y- your h-highness, ch-check my b-ack po-cket."

I put my hands into his pocket, juggle it around finding a blue pill in there. Without further thoughts, as he lay in my arms, I make him swallow it shakily, praying that it doesn't choke him as we have no water to make him swallow.

That buys me time.

Using the medical knowledge Yeeun has, I slowly pull out the arrow, still with shaky hands. It's just a wound, how bad can it be?

The wound is totally nasty, much to my dismay. I drag him into the cave, half lifting him by draping his arm around my bloodied shoulders. When I finally place him against the wall, I quickly tear a big part of my robe to dress his wound. His perfectly defined abdominal muscles now carry a big, fatal arrow sized wound.

My eyes are filled with pleading tears. "Please, stay with me... I cannot afford to lose you too!"

He nods his head weakly. I look at his face that is growing paler each second. Shit! I have really nothing on me.

Oh wait, I do! A lightbulb flickered on my head.

I take out the herbs aunt Yubin gave me and start feeding them to him. I undress his wound, it seems to look better already. His face is drenched with cold sweat, losing water rapidly.

I rub the paste on the wound gently. His groans assure me that he will stay alive, no matter what. Then, I tear another piece of my robe to dress him. When he is fully covered, I stop. With the minimal strength in my body, I clammer up to the entrance. I use my sweaty hands to push a big boulder to the entrance so that no one can enter.

I do not realise when or how, but I pass out. I drift in and out of consciousness or maybe it's just my dreams.

I see a man, wearing studded mask, his baggy shirt hanging loosely on his body and his brown eyes staring back at me. I feel as if I'm there with my friend after a long time.

When I open my eyes, the reality hits me manifold in the head. Wooyoung is still sleeping. The boulder is still intact. I crawl to him, as I don't have any strength to walk. His face is now better, blood coming up and restoring his glow. As I lean closer to inspect, he jolts up and screams into my face.


"Idiot! It's me! Stop screaming like I am doing something wrong to you or taking advantage of you."

He calms down, but holds his heart.

"Come on, we have to go."

"But, your highness, it is not safe."

"Stop being a chicken!"

His expression turns smug, "Oh, last I remember, someone was clinging to me, being a chicken!"

"That someone was also tending to your wounds all night, wrapping them up and saving your life."

I smack his head. He rubs the sore spot.

"Just because you're not in a good condition, it will not deter me from going on as I wish."

"Thanks, your highness."

I smile at him, "Welcome, but let's be like this for the time being."

Again, that confused expression.

"Be comfortable with each other and rely on each other. We have no one to fall back on."

"Do you know the way, Wooyoung?"

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