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"What is it, Aunt Yubin?"

The lady bows her head. "Your highness, don't call me aunt. It doesn't befit my status."

I laugh. "Aunt Yubin, you will always be an aunt. No matter what you say. I'll tell my father to make an exception for you. You can just call me Yeeun too."

She gently smiles again. "Ah, my little girl! How can I deny your request?"

She ruffles my hair with her half calloused hands.

I feel like embracing her.

So I do. I put my arms around her chubby belly and bury my face in her hair. The feeling is so comforting. I cry out loud.

I wail. I have a feeling that she is worried about me but she does not ask.

"I love you, aunt Yubin."

She places a kiss on my forehead and I feel all warm inside.

I sob harder.

"Love you too, your highness."

She hugs me as she cries too. She doesn't make a sound, but I know due to the tears soaking my silk gown.

"Thank you for being like a mother to me, aunt Yubin."

She puts a hand on her mouth, covering it fully. "What do you mean? Her majesty would fire me instantly if she heard you."

I laugh with her. She suddenly stops, my heart getting worried as I look at her.

"Yeeun, dear, her majesty calls you. You need to go for dinner now. Go, she called you within fifteen minutes."

I gasp and rush out the door as aunt Yubin looks at me, shaking her head at me.

I go downstairs. The stairs resemble the old English style. There is a pair of staircases that merge at the bottom. There are so many ceiling decorations.

If I was in my real world, as I am a person for personification, I would take this as a lesson.

The staircases seem like spiralling snakes, whose heads meet at the bottom. Those heads at the bottom signify that what goes up, always comes down.

By muscle memory, I reach the room outside the kitchen. I see two men and a woman elegantly sitting at the dinner table. The man is older, with white hair and an elaborate Ruby crown sitting on his head. His clothes are refined and exude elegance.

Everything about him speaks royalty.

He is my father.

My mother is a gentle looking woman, she is like a carbon copy of Yeeun's face. She wears white robes and her hair is white and black in patches, but it suits her very well.

In this era, even the oldies don't dye their hair. In my world, even the youngsters die their hair to look cool. I mean, it's perfectly fine to not have a natural hair colour that makes you look like cotton candy.

A sapphire crown sits on her head. One look at them, and I'd say they both were meant for each other. On the other end of the table sits Jaehyun, my brother. He resembles our father more. He has broad shoulders and a long back. His hair are black and tan skin is coupled with rugged and manly features.

I don't know why, there is an inexplicably weird feeling bubbling up in my stomach at the sight of him.

"Jay!" The word leaves my mouth before I can control it. My parents turn to look at me with smiles. But the third guy, looks at me with a scowl.

Jaehyun groans at me. "So, finally princess, you are here. What took you so long? And stop calling me Jae, we were six back then! Call me by my full name at least."

I laugh at him. He gets even more agitated. "Will you stop calling me Jae now? We're not kids, you know."

My mother hushes him. "Jaehyun dear, show some respect. It's okay if your older sister calls you by a closer name."

She beckons me to the seat beside her and I gratefully take it. Food is served into my plate.

The king looks at me and slowly asks, "Yeeun, my little girl, have you noticed anything suspicious in anyone's activities?"

I naturally search Yeeun's memories. Nothing weird.

"No, father, what do you mean?"

I shake my head. He says, "Meet me in my quarters after this. The bird flies far."

The bird flies far is a phrase that has been used in this royal family for a long time. It means- the walls have ears too. To keep enemies from being alert, we adopted this phrase. Barely anyone knows about it.

We finish food.

I go with father. He sighs, crossing his arms and sitting on his ultra comfortable chair.

"Yeeun, I can't be too sure, but Liang might have spies on us."

I nod at him and words naturally flow out my mouth. "Father, your majesty, I know about the matter. I am still trying to figure out who it is. It could be anyone."

Father scratches his chin. "Yeeun, take care. I worry about you. You are a capable girl."

He meaningfully looks at me. He truly feels like a real father with good intentions for his daughter. He also does not seem like a bad ruler.

The Lord heard my wish!

He gets up from the chair and walks towards me. He brushes my hair and places a kiss on top of my hair. "Yeeun, my sweet daughter, I want you to be safe. Please don't let this father down."

I nod at him and hug him back. He's my father.

He's my father.

The father who would cradle me, spoil me, get me anything yet teach me all I need to know and be strict with me. He doesn't know it's me, but I can feel it- the connection, the blood link.

I leave the room when father dismisses me. As soon as I leave, there is a man standing in front of me. The silhouette I so very well know. He leans back against the wall, his eyes partly closed.

Peace. The whole scene yells peace.

He's like a statue, unshaking, unmoving, stable and meaningful.

I do not know this time, how far will this take me. But I am prepared not to hurt anyone or chase down my own life. I take a deep breath as the man before me bows down to me.

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