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The man--- he - he's - the Kim- Hongjoong!!!!

Woah! I let out a loud screech, immediately cupping my mouth because of how ugly I sounded.

The man's eyes were peacefully closed. I breathed out in relief, seeing he hadn't women up. Before I knew it, I screamed out again. This time for a totally different reason.

A dagger was pointing at me. It had made a hole in my corset and my gown and was dangerously close to my belly. I wanted to smack it away, but had no strength to do so.

The man smirked in his sleep when I glanced at him.

Before I processed anything, he was standing up, the dagger still there as I gazed at him fearfully.

Mommy! (Oh wait, I don't have one) Save me! I'm gonna pee my pants!!!! He's ten times more dangerous than Hongjoong in Halazia MV!!!

I gasp as he smirks, his face breathing close to mine. It's still like two feet away, but this is the closest I've been to a guy. I felt even shorter than I was.

Kim Hongjoong! This guy- he's my idol!!

I had the urge to smack my lips onto his, just like one female lead in my absurd fanfic.

I control myself or he'll get scared away by my sinful thoughts.

He really deserves the pirate king title, seriously. He has a horrifying aura, enough to make people faint as soon as they see him.

His white shirt clung to his body, making me see the outline of his chest, but I'm more worried about my life here. But, I can't let him know that.

I'm not sure who, but someone said:
Never let your enemy know your weakness.

Praying that I don't sound like a dying fish, I say, "Sir, your dagger is kind of digging into my skin. You're gonna buy me new clothes!"

I scream so pitchily that he clutches his ears. A second later, he is hovering over me, still quite far away, but enough to make me question my actions. His slow whispers reaching my ears, "Worried about the clothes? Not your life being taken away by the pirate king?"

I swear his voice is huskier and scarier here. I can hear the smirk in his voice. As he deeply chuckles.

I look around. This may be the best moment to escape. I make a run for the door.

To my surprise, his dreadful gaze is on me. I widen my eyes and lean against the wall, sticking out my tongue sideways, pretending to be dead. Stupid, I know!

That only works in fanfics.

His hand is near mine, which covers the doorknob.

This is how my wish will be fulfilled?

That means I'll meet the others here too.

Ooh! I'm having the Y/N life now.

I don't realise when I start smiling because his dagger seems to be retracted now as he gazes at me, bemused.

"Why would you smile?"


I couldn't just tell him that- Yah! Kim Hongjoong! I have been stanning you since debut and I love the way you rap! I love your shy smile as well as your seductive smirk!

That would sound crazy. So instead, I do something even more stupid.

"I'm here to rob you."

I spoke in such a confident tone that even I can't believe it.

Damn! I developed some guts due to the transmigration.

Then I realise what I said.

He laughs at that.

He genuinely laughs.

He doubles over, falls against the table and full blown laughter escapes his mouth.

He looks at me and I almost sublimated away.

"You aren't scared of the pirate king?"

Okay, I'm thinking a really clever reply.

"The pirate king just doubled over in laughter in front of me, why would I fear him?"

I grip my sides and look at him in a challenging way.

He stops smiling. Then he asks me, "You seem to have changed, miss. You were so scared of me yesterday- the point you fainted just when my men started to come near you with daggers."

I soar my head, "New day, new me!"

He smiles again. He's awkward at it, I see, but he's unhinged..

I want to laugh with him, tell him how angelic he looks, but I can't. He's not my idol, and I know it.

"You interest this pirate king."

He smirks, cunningness dripping down his face.

"Why are you here?"

I rack my brain, why?

Then I remembered.

"Tell your crew to not run after me to slit my neck."

He snorted. "They're hot blooded men. They only listen to themselves."

I don't respond at that. He's partially correct.

"How about you go back now?"

I smile at him cheekily, wanting to convince him.

"Captain, I'm hungry."

He smirked at me. "No food as a punishment to enter my cabin without permission."

My eyes widen. I wasn't going to sleep on an empty stomach ever again. That would be too traumatic.

"No no no no, do anything but that."

He smirked wider. "Then you will be locked in your room till the next stop."

Panic taks over my body. Lily, you're done for.

You're gonna die of boredom.

And your mission will not be completed.

I decide to cover up with a horrible comeback. "You cannot force me."

"My ship, my rules."

I look at the hole in my clothing, then back at his cunning face.

I don't wanna die!! I internally cry.

As I love my life now, I will not challenge him again.

Like a scaredy cat, I escape as quick as I can and breathe a sigh of relief when I enter my room.

Several moments later, the same man who had scared the shit out of me as soon as I entered was outside my door, guarding it. Hah! What a turn of events. I'll see what is to be done with him.  Maybe we'll be on better terms now that we both are behaving in a civil manner.

Now I'm worried- will they even let me pee? And eat? I heard pirates drink all day. What if one comes into my room?

Oh no, what did I get myself into?!

I began crying, dwelling over my fate. I wished to meet my bias, Ateez, not the pirate king!

Curse my darned fate!

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