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In the past, around 1789, a scientist named Osvaldo emerged. He was an intelligent man, smarter than no other. But after the loss of his wife the man lost it. He locked himself in his home on the far outskirts of town. Always mumbling formulas, chemicals, and his wife's name. He told everyone he will bring her back, he will have his wife once again. The people didn't believe him, for who could bring back a soul to a corpse. He studied, he worked days and nights. Stealing corpses from their graves in secret. He wasn't seen for 5 years, people thought he was dead. Till he emerged from his broken down mansion from where he hibernated for years, holding his wife's corpse. He walked to the town, his skin pale as snow, his hair was greasy and thinning. His eyes, they were so wild looking in every direction. They did not hold a hint of sanity left that the man had, it was like the doors of insanity has opened to this poor man's soul. Swallowed him whole till there was nothing but a pile of lilies left to show that someone walked this earth. He walked with a limp through the winding maze of a town. His wife jolting with every limp step he took. The man reached the town square, he was practically shaking with excitement to show his new creation. He steadied his breathing so he may speak clearly for all to hear.

"Witness the return of my beloved Cadence!" he shouts at the top of his lungs. Everyone soon started to believe he went insane.... went over the deep end of insanity. The scientist set his wife's corpse down, straightened up with a crazy smile; eyes twitching. The townspeople were about to go back to their homes. But there was movement that they saw out of the corner of their eyes, and it didn't belong to the scientist. This dead creature called a corpse moved. It got up on two legs facing the audience, and it began to look around with closed eyes.

"Open them, my dear Cadence." he commanded, full of pride. Cadence opened her eyes slowly, to reveal eyes full of life in place of her cold dead ones. The corners of her mouth began to twitch. It took only but a moment before her lips curved starting small and beginning to grow. She was smiling at everyone. A smile that she graced the villagers every morning. The smile they told her looked like an angel from heaven, now was a doll who had her strings being pulled by the puppet master. This wasn't their Cadence, this was a doll that was made to please this man's desire.

"Monster!" "villain" " sinful demon" "vile man" " devil" "demon"

Cried the villagers. Horror was painted all over their faces. Shaking in terror that this man was a demon. Sold his soul to the devil himself to him, they thought this was an act against God. God took his wife for a reason, that's all they believed. The scientist was hunted down by the villagers that once adored his work. Rubble and broken furniture was thrown at him and his once dead wife. Driven from a land they both called home, from their once so called friends. They fled to his laboratory below his mansion, and there they stayed. Never seen again.

Osvaldo lived with his doll like wife, but he grew older and older by the days. His body getting slower, starting to crumble like an old mountain. While his doll like wife stayed the same, her body tissues were preserved from the embalming chemicals he injects into her body every day, each dose last up to 2 years. Out of fear of losing his life and to never see his wife again, he created a clone; another corpse that will hold his soul if he were to ever die in his body.

But the corpse created a mind of its own. It made its own soul. The corpse fell in love with the scientist wife, he wanted her for himself. Even as a doll with no mind of its own deep down she knew who she belonged too. She refused the corpse's love, and this infuriated him, filled his soul with jealousy. He killed Osvaldo, and the wife in his jealous rage.

Full of misery the corpse with a soul left the laboratory in hopes he too will die. But the villagers found him, they feared him. A corpse with a soul, who can feel emotions, have the urge to love, to murder. He was dangerous. But he disappeared with Osvaldo notes, and hate for humanity. These notes had everything Francis found over the past 12 years of hiding. Being the only thing remaining from that broken down laboratory the villagers gave this walking soulful corpse a name, something he never had in the lifetime he was brought back; his name was 'The One'.

Curious as to what happened to this crazy scientist, they went through his home. They found the bodies, and burned them. Believing they need to go to hell. But some other scientist got curious. How did Francis Osvaldo bring a corpse to life. Soon corpse technology began. Again the christians and churches refused to believe it. They burned every corpse so no one can bring it to life. But the only people to support this new technology was WOMEN.

They liked the idea of sending a corpse to war instead of their sons and husbands. Corpses could be reused many times. Soon everyone wanted a corpse.

It became a government thing, you sign a contract for a corpse with a time limit of service. In 5 years that corpse will be taken until you pay for another. Or if your corpse is damaged beyond repair, you get a new one. Corpses were not completely alive, they were designed to only receive commands, and to respond immediately. Their intelligence does not have the ability to speak, but only to walk. Soon corpse training began, where they see how much a corpse could carry for hard labor. Servants were replaced with corpses. People were getting lazy, corpses were doing our bidding. But there were two men orphaned at a young age didn't believe in corpse slavery, but that the corpse could have a soul like 'The One'. They wanted to recopy what Osvaldo did, give a corpse a soul. This technology would bring back loved ones who have perished. But before they could finish it... one of the men perished. This just driven the remaining one to continue he wanted to bring back his partner, his crush, lover. His name was Joseph.

How do I know all this?

I know, for I am Joseph himself. This is my story.

That is it for the prologue, I hope it will allow everything make sense in this story. Thank you for reading. Please vote, comment, etc. and I hope you enjoy some more.

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