Chapter 11 The Man In the Photo

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This is a short filler chapter, but more is to come in the next one.

The group continued on their journey, determined to reach the high mountains in the north, with Nikolai in the lead and Friday in the rear. Joseph tried to admire the beauty of the plains and landscape. Tried to forget about the corpse he lost that night, and pondered even more of his conversation with Hadally. His mind was a mess with questions and anxiety. Bernard and Nikolai were unaffected from the past events. Clearly a sign that they are used to this kind of action from years and experience. Well, at least from what Bernard told them. Bernards file described him as a loose cannon of a man, but was still strategic in his moves. He was amazing at fighting one on one or with a gun, his big burly stature made him look intimidating to most. But Nikolai, for someone as big as Friday he seemed more deadly than Bernard. He had an aura to him that made Joseph uncomfortable and unable to fully trust him. He couldn't help but suspect Nikolai is hiding something from the group. 

"Few more days heading north and we will find Zorkhav's hide out in the mountains, Gents", Bernard called out, breaking Joseph from his thoughts. They were approaching a village, the first civilization they've seen so far that was not torn and burned to the ground from the war. Joseph was also shocked by the lack of corpses in this town. The men were on guard watching the strange group, but the women and children of the village were more welcoming. After getting over the initial shock of Friday being a dead and still "functioning", the children made it a game to collect flowers to decorate Friday. It did not cause harm so Joseph allowed it, and besides Friday looked cute with a flower crown. Bernard was the first to break free to find a bar to replenish his stock of liquor. While Nikolai went shopping for more supplies to last them the last bit of their journey.

As they settled in for the night at a generous household, they were asking about the road ahead, and if there were any more villages to expect. This made the villagers tense, and an atmosphere of unease settled over everyone. Their village leader told them about how there was a sister village that neighbored them. They were welcoming people and housed a stranger there once, but people started to disappear mysteriously until one day the whole village just vanished. Tradesmen were shocked when they went to visit to sell goods to find the entire village abandoned. It soon became a ghost town and a forbidden area to wander through in fear that whoever stepped foot in that village will also disappear.

This information was eerie, but the group had to push on. The nights were long, but they filled it with laughter from jokes and Bernard's drunken banter. Joseph during some cold nights would spot Bernard cuddling closer to Nikolai when the other was fast asleep. Eventually the group had to trade some goods and meat for a boat and continue on water. the freezing cold water that rocked the boat as they paddled their way to their destination.

"Why would Zorkhav steal the notes and flee after causing an uprising in Russia?" Joseph tried to pry answers out of Nikolai who has been secretive about his connection with Zorkhav this whole journey. Nikolai remained silent and paddled on, and to Josephs surprise Bernard for once did not try to break the tension building with a joke. This was a sensitive topic for Nikolai.

"With the new models we've see we must be closer to recreating the one", Joseph continued and watched Nikolai's features slightly twitch. "Honestly, does there even need to be a reason to do such a thing?" Nikolai finally broke his silence. This question was peculiar, what other reason would someone want to recreate a soul of a loved one. The dream to have someone you once lost be reborn again, who wouldn't risk it all for that. "At least then I could understand..." Joseph drifted off his sentence as he went into deep thought. he would understand better about a human soul.

They paddled on, through the small canal of frozen water and snow. The high rough walls curved towards the top almost doming and cutting off what little sunlight filtered through the thick clouds. "I thought your entire mission was to secure Osvaldo's notes, not to learn the cause of what happened or the aftermath of it?" Nikolai pressed. The canal began to open and the exited the tunnel and came to an open clearing. to the left they spotted what looked like an old fortress torn down by mother nature. A good spot to take camp. 'How else would I be able to understand how a soul is created' Joseph thought. Nikolai seemed to be evading his questions and instead pinning them back onto Joseph. It was like a game of cat and mouse but Joseph is just chasing his tail at this point. "As for the reasons of why Zorkhav left you can ask him yourself", Nikolai snapped Joseph out of his thoughts when the blonde stood up in the boat. He set down his paddle and grabbed the long stick to his right and dipped it down into the water and propelled them forward. With each push the fog began to lift, Josephs sight became clearer.

Off in the distance he saw a faint light, and bodies. Lots and lots of Bodies. There was someone standing on the ledge of a rock at the base of the river holding the light as a guide to the boat. Joseph heard the faint sound of grunts... almost sounded like, Corpses? As they got closer the figures became clearer and Joseph gasped in horror at what he is seeing. A group of grey, cold bodies lined up along the riverbank covered in snow as they stood there groaning. No life behind those eyes, staring blankly back. Joseph also noticed they had the same blue light contraption on the side of each of their heads, a faint blue light hueing from it. But that wasn't what, made Joseph sick to his stomach, no it was the sight of women and children standing among the group. Women holding bundles of swaddled baby corpses. Small children of all ages and gender stood by too. "Women and children, too?" Joseph couldn't help but question to himself. horrified that this man was devilish enough to do that to children Standing there at the base, holding the light that was to guide them to safety was the man they were looking for all along. The man they journeyed all this way to hunt down for the notes, it was Zarkhov Morozov himself.

"I have been awaiting you doctor, glad you made it safely to me", Zarkhov spoke up. His voice was raspy from the cold or maybe from not using it very often. You learnt hat you don't need to speak much with a corpse, not many conversations get far. His hair was once brown now an ashy color. It was straight and roughly cut ends ruffled in the wind. His cheeks were sunken in and he had a few dark circles under his eyes, and slight crows feet peeking the corner of his eyes. He was dressed in what looked like a priest robes, black with a grey shawl draped across his shoulders to keep warm. The lantern added some color to his pale skin, probably from the lack of sunlight. His face pulled a small smile ad Nikolai jumped into the water to pull the boat the rest of the way onto the river bank. Bernard began to lift and unload Friday gently and held out a hand for Nikolai to help him out of the freezing water. Once Josephs feet hit the ground the man made a small gesture towards a stone path leading to a cave. 

"Come, let us get warm from the chill", and he turned with the lantern and lite the way towards the entrance. The group followed after, but Joseph still looked behind to see the horde of corpses remained standing on the bank, but they turned to watch them walk up the steps. Their eerie eyes watching coldly as more snow fell covering their feet and shins. With a shudder Joseph turned back to face forward and continued. Hoping for answers and the location of the notes...

Bit of a filler chapter, but more is to come in the next chapter. Be warned it is a bloody chapter.

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