Chapter 7 It's Just Getting Started

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Warning: blood and gore is in this chapter.

Down below was looking look into a mans worst nightmare, it was like looking chaos into the eyes.

Joseph stared down into the war below, this was his first war to witness and he felt like he was going to vomit at the gruesome seen. It was far worse than a bloodshed because there was so much more to give up. Not one live soldier was present on the battlefield, there were only corpses.

Joseph noticed the difference in the soldiers, it was so obvious. The red coats torn and decorated with a harsher color of blood were British corpse soldiers. The other soldiers from the opposite side could have been mistaken for townspeople with their peasant clothes. Shirts torn and coated in old, brown blood. Limbs torn or bent with broken bones showing in areas that they shouldn't. All were wielding swords, or stolen muskets. They did not move in uniform or rhythm like trained warriors. These were 'soldiers' that were quickly produced and thrown into battle as scapegoats. 'Soldiers' forced to fight against a useless war.

Joseph felt a nudge on his shoulder, looking back he saw Bernard's face was etched with a grimace. "C'mon Watson, we gotta keep on moving" Bernard said pushing past Joseph's still form. Shaking out of his shock Joseph pushed forward to catch up to the others.

Joseph fought against himself to look down again to face the horrendous war. But he lost the struggle and took another peek at the gruesome sight. Joseph watched with sadness as he watched the red coat corpses lined up in order like good soldiers firing their muskets. Or when others further into the battlefield stabbed each other, only to pull the sword out letting more blood gush out of the wound. Truly giving it the name ' A Bloody Battlefield', or more like a massacre. It was a hard sight to witness.

One corpse was crawling on his arms, sword in hand while his legs were blown off from a cannon; blood was gushing from the mangled stumps, broken bone peaking out with torn muscles and burned flesh. It created a bloody trail as it crawled to its next victim. The thing chopped off an enemies legs and climbed onto it to finish the little life it had left. And the cowardice generals and commanders stood far from the battlefields, not doing anything to assist. They just glared at each other from the vast distance, sitting on their horses like they were kings.

"Don't feel sympathy for the corpses Dr. Watson, they are doing their job that is all that matters," Nikolai's voice broke through Joseph's thoughts. Looking away from the scene to face the small Russian man in confusion as if asking what did he mean telepathically. Nikolai just gave a small smile before moving forward, moving the bushes to cover them better from enemy eyes. They still had 12 miles before they can finally get far from the chaos. Joseph still feared they would be spotted on the way, or worse followed. After the whole fiasco in Afghanistan Josephs paranoia has skyrocketed.

The ground shook beneath their feet as more cannons were fired, then reloaded. The shaking increased and would send them over the edge if they didn't get away from the unstable ledge. As the group stayed in an ordered fashion similar to a mother duck, climbing over rocks, well mostly Bernard lifting them over the difficult ledges and rocks. Bernard seemed to not be complaining, gave him an excuse to grope Nikolai's arse. Every time he did, Nikolai would slap him behind the head, and curse in Russian.

They walked a good distance, before the sound of war started to lessen from their ears as they gained some distance from the war zone. ' Finally, we are safe now Friday' Joseph thought looking at his corpse companion. They were coming closer to the notes than they ever did before. Bernard hoisted Friday up the last ledge that will allow them safe passage.

"Be careful, we may be out of the war zone, but the enemy is still looking for us." Bernard said with a weary tone.

"And by 'careful' you mean don't die" Nikolai said with a humorous tone, while adjusting his pack.

Bernard let out a huff, and scouted ahead while Joseph readjusted his and Fridays packs. But up ahead Bernard's hair's on his arms were tingling. Something wasn't right, but he couldn't put his finger on what. Bernard felt a sense of danger is ahead; Nikolai felt it too. Both went on alert, their weapons at the ready for any surprises. Bernard walked out of the safety of the shadows into the sun around the corner of the ledge and observed his surroundings. It all seemed fine until he heard it. The groaning of a corpse.

He looked up at the cliff just in time to spot a heavily bellied corpse run off the edge, its belly started turning red as it fell towards them.

Damn it!

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