chapter 4 Talk Russian To Me

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Chapter 4 yay!

"That takes care of that, see no prob'em at all mate" Bernard said with a sigh of relief. Bernard lowered his rocket launcher as the carriage rode in a much smoother way without any gunfire. Joseph, still shaken up from the events held the reins in a tight grip. Anger bubbled inside of him, Bernard could have gotten them killed if he was not careful. Friday could have gotten damaged!

"Your Bernard, Lieutenant Fredrick Bernard " Joseph said with an unimpressed tone, this man was nothing like a star general. He was insane, jumping into chaos without a plan in mind. " Our guide that was assigned, or rather the watchdog."

"Both're wrong, I'm the babysitter for the stupid death-obsessed schoolboy" he said with humored voice. This hit a nerve that made Joseph want to punch him. "Ah don't get so pissed off mate' Bernard said Looking behind him to see Josephs scowl. " Worst case, I'll bring your corpse back, like I did your predecessor's; even corpses can work for their country these days." Bernard said in a nonchalant tone.

"Predecessor's? what are you talking about?" Joseph said turning to look at Bernard's face. This news was very shocking, and enraged him that Mr. M didn't tell him. "He got blown away by a bomb. That is why they sent you. "

" I wasn't told this!"

"Must have slipped their minds, well he had bad luck," Bernard chuckled out, standing up to swing his arm around Joseph's shoulders like they were pals for years. " Well here's hoping you've got good luck" Joseph looked at him with an expression of annoyance. Bernard having a thick skull didn't notice the glares Joseph shot at him. Bernard checked over his shoulder and noticed the crumpled corpse Friday jotting down everything occurring in his little leather bound book.

" Oh, that's right. Write down that I'm a good looking fellow, would you corpse?"

This pissed Joseph off, looking behind him to see Friday writing their conversation.

write that "he is a good looking fellow" Lieutenant Bernard commanded.

"You don't have to write that Friday" Joseph said in a calm voice, with a hint of affection.

"Aww let the corpse do his job, its what they are animated for" Bernard said "Your the one making his job difficult!" Joseph shot back in a smart remark. It has been a long day and Joseph is not keen on Bernard's enthusiasm to annoy him to death. It is going to be a long ride.

* time skip*

They rode for another 120 miles until they reached a train station. Bernard informed Joseph that due to their cover being blown back in the market that have to 'shake those leeches off their trail'. As the giant brute disappeared into the little shack to purchase their tickets Joseph took notice of how crowded the streets were, especially the lack of living beings. Corpses were doing everything, lifting luggage, pouring tea, giving tickets, EVERYTHING! This is what our humanity has come to, lazy barbarians. He shook his head in dismay, haunted by the idea that this could have been Fridays fate after death.

Joseph was snapped out of his thoughts as the scream of the train rang, signaling its departure. They piled in and settled in a cart with tweed covered seats that were plush enough to cradle joseph as he sagged into the cushion. The scenery in front of him outside the window started to blur and become moving shapes as the train gained speed. Friday was next to Joseph, his small book rested in his unmoving hands. The pen that was once held by warm hands was cold in the grip of animated puppet, it ached his heart to see Friday like this but also pushed him further to complete the mission. Reminded him of all those nights of working, he would stare at Friday when he wrote. His mind began to wander to the past.

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