|| Chapter 1: Lost and Found ||

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Year: 1929

(Y/N) sat up quickly. Her eyes looking around in alarm. She had just fell down the stairs, so how was she in a forest now. She felt her head.. it didn't hurt. Honestly she felt like she just woke up from a deep sleep.

She glanced down. Her attire had changed, into a dress of all things. She frowned, it wasn't that bad. But it looked as if a it was a (F/C) flapper dress from the 1920s.. also something Mimzy would wear. She shook her head, now wasn't the time for that. She made sure to make a mental note to change it later.

She slowly stood up, she was in the middle of no where. She swallowed hard, had her mother kicked her out when she was asleep? Did she dream about falling down the stairs. She knew she could be heavy sleeper but to be able to move her body to entire different location. She hoped it was impossible.

"Well I be, my dear, you are rather far from home." A voice caught her off guard. Her head whipped around to the sound of it. Her (H/C) widen, the man just a few feet from her was tall, his frame a bit slim but he seemed built at the same time. His hair a chestnut color, his eyes hazel and his skin a beige color. Her heart dropped.

He looked just like Alastor.

Instinctively she took a step back. The man's smile widen as he noticed the slight panic in her eyes, yet also laced with realization.

"You seemed frightened. I mean no harm! I was merely hunting when a sudden crash scared away the Deer." He put his hands behind his back. (Y/N) glanced at the rifle on his shoulder.

She swallowed hard.

She had to be dreaming. Alastor isn't real. He couldn't be, he was only a character.. who she found a bit attractive. But also a murderer! Which meant the guy before her could be him and she could very well be the next victim on his list because her life wasn't a fan fiction where he magically loved her like she'd hope.

She quickly shook her head. "Uh.. yes. I'm a bit lost." She said slowly, trying her hardest to much his accent, which she didn't intentionally do.

The man hummed, "a bit? My dear, you are a long way from town." He commented stepping closer.

She stepped back, "yes! I see that now. I suppose I took a wrong turn." Her heart was racing, she was alone with some random man in the woods. A man she was almost positive was Alastor.. the murderer, cannibal and soon to be radio demon.

"Could you.. point me the right direction back to town? My.. uh husband is waiting for me!" She added wanting to make it less tempting to kill her if she made it seem like someone was waiting for her. The man only Hummed.

"And... why would I do that?" The man chuckled. "I was hunting and you seemed to scare off the deer. That's rather rude Darling."

Yup. These dude is so Alastor.

"I apologize..." she gestured with her hands urging him to say name.

"Oh! Alastor! I would say it's a pleasure to meet you..." his eyes scanned her up and down, making her frown deeply. "But it was rather unpleasant."

She rolled her eyes. Her arms crossing over her chest. "Yeah well sorry about bothering the deer."

"Not very lady like are you?"

"Excuse me?"

He put up his hands, "Nothing dear!"

She shook her head, her eyes looking away. Okay. One, she was with a murderer, two that also meant she was probably in a a complete different time considering Alastor is still-

Alastor is still alive.

"W-wait.. what year is it!" She asked quickly, ignoring the puzzled look on Alastor's face.

"1929! What a joyous time might I add.. so many orphans." He laughed his hands returning back behind his back, she now just noticed he was rather close to her.

1929. She was sent back in time.. not only that but a completely different world!

This amused Alastor even more. Her reactions were rather strange to say the least. He was originally going to kill the poor fool who ruined his routine, however seeing her reactions made him want to wait. After all, it's fun to play with your food. Isn't it?

"But I suppose not assisting you would go against the very manners my mother taught me!" He laughed, "come now. Let us.. return you to your 'husband'."

A chill ran down her spin with how Alastor said husband. She knew that her lie wasn't convincing at all. She sighed.

She was going to die by the very man she would he simping for just a few hours ago. And she didn't have a choice.

She followed behind him, her eyes watching him cautiously. A silence fell between them, after all what is there to truly chat about with a stranger you just met.

"Have you heard of me through my radio show?" He suddenly asked, causing her to look up at him.

She knew better than anyone else Alastor loved talking about himself, about his achievements and that he hated when people acted if they truly didn't mean anything.

"Yes.. my husband listens to your show often."' she lied through her teeth, believe it was a good lie but Alastor immediately caught it. His smile seemed to widen even more. Alastor was entertained.

It was amusing, a woman he just met has done nothing by lie. He was curious as to why, surely a young woman like her didn't have a dark past she was hiding.. or a dark desire. His hazel eyes glanced back at the girl.

It was clear she was hiding something, she hid her emotions so poorly. A clear as day people Pleaser and wears her heart on her sleeve. He hummed turning his gaze ahead maybe he'd keep this prey around for only a moment longer.

Entertainment is hard to come by these days.

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