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Hey guys! I'm sorry about the delay on a chapter today, if you'll all be patient with me I promise to get it out later tonight!

I just work every Thursday until Tuesday, so it's harder to ensure my chapters get out for everyone in time. But I haven't forgotten! I'm just with family and spending time with them while I can, being off work and all. (When I am off work, I work mornings 4:15 am till 3!)

I appreciate everyone who as given this book and chance! I would love feedback on your thoughts about the characters including the ones who have been killed off, any suggestions and even requested chapters!

I skip dates a lot so I can squeeze in requests that don't relate to main plot but as a little outing! I post requested chapters on Wednesdays.

So thank you all again and today will be a late chapter!

Love, Smalls!

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