|| Chapter 3: Attachment || (A/N)

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Author: Hey guys! I'm sorry I missed updating like I said I would. I had some personal issues appear and lost track of everything. I'll be sure to go back to updating this story at 12 pm on Monday! Anyways hope you enjoy!

       —————|| Chapter 3: Attachment ||—————

Date: November 21st, 1929

She was attached.

She had spent only a month there and she grew accustomed to the life around her. She worked as a waitress at Mimzy's bar. It truly didn't pay a lot but she was expecting that much considering currency during this time was completely different and well.. it was the Great Depression.

Mimzy was kind enough to lend (Y/N) a spare closet.. it wasn't much but had enough space for her to have a bed, small desk and bulletin board. One that in her free time, would be covered with any information she could get on this current time and her situation. She still wanted to go home.. but it wasn't as painful anymore.

She was sure Mimzy only gave her the room so she would have depend on her more than anything else.

She shook her head, "no think positive.. that's all you can do right now!" She said slapping her cheeks as she put back on her smile. Currently staring at her bulletin board. She had explored every library she could and hardly got the information she was looking for.

Information for time travel was none existent because it had never existed.

She rubbed her the bridge of nose as she looked down. She knew Alastor practiced some form a voodoo.. which was what caused him to become so powerful in hell. It could be her chance at going back home but she would get killed by him before he'd ever give away anything personal.

Her relationship with Alastor was.. strange. After he lead her to Mimzy's bar, then he hardly showed up again. Sometimes on the weekends he'd appear refusing anyone who tried to serve him that wasn't Mimzy or (Y/N). When she did serve him, he'd talk her head off with horrible dad jokes and then about himself until he eventually left. She was almost sure most of his free time with used to satisfy his darker desires. She cringed at the thought and as chill rushed down her spine.

It still wasn't enough to casually ask about voodoo especially since new one else but possibly Mimzy knew he used it.

"I'm still stuck at zero.." she mumbled, looking back back up at her board.

"Why zero? That's such a pitiful number, my dear."

(Y/N) jumped at the suddenly voice whipping her head towards the door. Alastor stood in it, the same smile on his face. She quickly cleared her throat.

"Just some ideas for moving out eventually. I can't leave in Mimzy closet forever." She laughed awkwardly, then she paused. "Wait.. why are you here and haven't you heard of knocking? I could've been changing!"

"Not a chance! You left the door open." He replied back quickly, "quite the board you got there." He added, quickly scanning over her board before she came up to him, pushing him back slightly and closing the door enough to where it hid her board from his sight.

"Yeah.. anyways. Can I help you? I'm off work today so.." she trailed off. She wasn't expecting to see Alastor this soon and apart of her heart fluttered at it, but she shoved it down quickly reminding herself that she had to go back home and he'd never feel that way back.

"Yes. I'd like my usual, please dear." He said calmly as his hands folded behind his back.

She blinked.

She just said she was off work didn't she?

"Alastor listen I'm-"

"Oh I heard you dear. I just truly did not care. Now if you please?" He gestured out towards the bar where other regulars were.

"Isn't Mimzy working?" She asked, feeling slightly annoyed already. But then she stopped, this could be her chance to somewhat gain his trust. Then she could ask about voodoo. "Actually she's probably busy.. fine. Come on." She closed her door behind her, walking past Alastor as she headed to the bar.

A few of regulars cheered once they saw (Y/N), Alastor following closely behind her. She entered behind the bar. "You're wanting your usual?" She asked, beginning to already grab some gin, honey and lemon. (Realizing after I wrote this that Alastor was more a whiskey kinda fella.. oh well! Not today)

Alastor only hummed tapping his fingers on the bar as he watched her prepare his drink. Compared to when she first made it for him about a month ago she was clumsy, dropping most of it or making it horribly wrong. Now she mixed the ingredients like a true pro and Alastor would never admit it personally. Yet, He preferred her drinks over Mimzy's.

"Here." She said placing the glass before him. She then leaned forward and propped her elbows on the counter. "You seriously pulled me out my room to merely get a drink?" She said.

"Yes." Is all she got back, she sighed. Trying to think of a way to get them to bond in some way. She was racking her brain for things she knew Alastor liked as the radio demon.. so surely he likes it still when he was alive.

"So... there's new film at the theater. Called 'House of Horrors'. we could go watch it sometime?" She asked and slightly stated. the words leaving her mouth quickly and then she realized it sounded as if she was asking him on a date.

"N-not in that way! I just wanted to thank you for saving me from those woods and introducing me to Mimzy..." her words trailed off as she ended up in an endless ramble.

Alastor smiled, how he enjoyed her flustered reactions so. It was almost as entertaining as watching the life live his victims eyes.


"House of Horrors, you say? My. That's a new one that came out this year isn't it." He chuckled, ignoring her comment about a date to merely annoy her even more.

"Yes.. it is." She grumbled rolling her eyes as she realized he ignored her statement.

Of course he didn't see it like that, she was just being her dumb self again.


"I suppose it wouldn't be unpleasant to go." He shrugged his shoulders, "I do love the theater!"

"Okay!" She replied back ignoring the butterflies that were forming in her stomach.

It's a date.

She told herself but she knew better.. it was just two people hanging out. Two people hanging out each for their own personal gain over the other.. a fact neither knew just yet.

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