|| Chapter 16: Comfort ||

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Date: June 16, 1930

(Y/N) awoke with a start, her eyes blinking to adjust to the room. Her head throbbed; she groaned bringing a hand to her forehead. 

"Ah, so you are still alive. You had the boy worried." Alastor's voice sounded strained; she turned her head. He looked tired, his coat hanging on the back of the chair and his white button up had its sleeves rolled up. 

Her mind raced as she tried to put everything together, but it was coming up blank. She mumbled, as she tried to move but froze once she felt deadweight on her legs. She shifted her gaze; Anthony was fast asleep on her legs. 

What was going on?

She blinked as it all came rushing back to her, Mimzy, Bill, James. The endless run, the portals. Her breathe caught in her throat. The emotions rushing back and a wave of Panick hitting her. She opened her mouth, ready to ask endless questions. Alastor stood up, putting his hands on her shoulders. 

"You shouldn't rush yourself; you've just woke back up dear." He scolded, getting her focus on him and not her racing thoughts. Her eyes looked up at his own hazel ones, her eyes reflected sadness and confusion. One that made his smile twitch. 

"Everything is under control, you shouldn't worry." Alastor said, gripping her shoulders gently then released them. Sitting back down in the chair beside her bed. 

"But Mimzy... She's-" Her voice trailed off, her eyes looking down at the sleeping Anthony. Her hand came up to play with his blonde hair. Alastor glared at this but quickly fixed his face. 

"I'm aware... but it's been taken care of. I'm arranging a funeral service for her in about two weeks." He said, his voice low. As he studied her face, watching how her brows furrowed together. His gaze shifted to her hand, which was absently playing with Anthony's hair. Then back to her face, as he observed her being lost in thought.  

Feelings were a confusing subject for him which is why he chose to avoid it all together. However, seeing her upset hadn't settled right with him since he saw her cry for the first time. In all honesty it was easier to talk about this subject when the other individual was dead. Which is what he often did with his victims, he'd talk to them as if they were still alive and well. 

So, he wasn't sure how to work around this situation, death was a common thing for him. He was surrounded by it often. Mimzy's death, while it did upset him, he knew it was coming. Mimzy had danced on a thin line with the gang for years now, however he wasn't expecting it to drag (Y/N) into it. 

"It wasn't your fault." He said, his tone light. There was no hidden charm in it, no hidden meaning. It was just a simple sentence of comfort. 

(Y/N) looked away. 

She knew it wasn't it her fault. This was going to happen regardless, their destines were decided already. She knew how all of this should end, but something about seeing it in person compared to either watching it or reading it. Broke her heart.

"I know..." She mumbled, recalling the events. If she did get back home, she wouldn't take her life for granted. Every turn here death was waiting to take her, it was chilling. There were fun events, but darkness always came after it. 

Another puzzle was the weird portals, they were connected to her and her time. However, she wasn't allowed to use them to return to her world. When she tired, her body burned, every part her of screamed out in pain. She entered a void, a void that clearly didn't want her there as it threw her out the moment it got the chance. 

"What about the bar? Are the police going to capture those guys?" She asked, her mind returning to the situation at hand. She would worry about everything else whenever she was alone. 

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