Chapter 2

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Mavis's POV

Today started off the same expect after breakfast we all had to go to a meeting since it is that time of the week. All of the soldiers gathered in the training area because it was the biggest place in the camp and an actually place where witches could sit down and listen to the higher ups speak.

"I wonder what this meeting is about." Duncan said.

"Good mooring everyone." The general, who happens to be the highest rank in the witches military spoke, getting everyone attention.

"Today we have an important matter to tell you all. As you know the monstrous werwolf that lives in the Redwoods had another killing spree, killing multiple hunters of humans of the nearby town."

Everyone gasped as they heard of the mentions of the monster and the Redwoods. As it is known that a long time ago a werwolves who many say is cursed started to kill anyone who crossed him. Nobody know why and how. But for quite some years has lived in the specific depths of the woods that were started to be called the Redwoods because of this creature living there. Anybody who comes into the woods may or may not come back alive. Which is why the towns nearby tend to suffer a lot. Nobody has been able to capture this monstrous werewolf.

"Well we are going to gather a group that would go and investigate the victims and perhaps even catch this monster for once and for all. The group has been made and so you can all go check who is called in, the paper will be fund here." He placed the piece of paper of the table and walked out. All of us curiously stood in a line and waited for our turn to see if we were in. The three of us were next we checked and saw our names written under our positions on the paper.

"Awesome we are going on a mission together." Joel said happily.

"Well we should get back and get ready for the trip." Joel's boyfriend told us. I agreed. The thing is, is that we met in a mission we all had together some time ago and had gone on a few missions together again afterwards. I had been in the military ever since I was sixteen. That is the youngest that the witch military takes in new recruits. So its been quite some time since I first joined.

I don't have that many things into pack for this trip anyway, so it didn't take me ling before I was ready. I believe it was said that after lunch we will get teleported to the town. Well I didn't have much else what to do until lunch, so I decided to walk around the camp for a bit and visit that river place. We will not catch that werewolf, no one has ever done it before and very likely we aren't going to be them. Either way the time came and I was back at the cafeteria tent.

Me and my friends once more found a good spot to sit at and enjoy our food.

"There is no way we will catch that guy." Joel muttered.

"True but also he is a werwolf, doesn't he have a mate out there?" Duncan said that which made me think a little bit.

"Even if so, where is she? Because is he had found her I doubt he would kill more creatures." Joel answered.

"There is a spell that could track down his mate. Its a hard spell but I think I could do it, I would just need some kind of trace of his blood or something he had touched before." I said.

"If we find the bodies, you could try that. Is she is alive in this century since he is rather old and you never know if he had a mate, has a mate somewhere or will never has a mate. You never know about their goddess of the moon." Duncan told me.


Well he wasn't wrong about that monster might not even having a mate. I doubt their moon goddess would appreciate her own, so called child of the moon is killing everyone without a reason. We will never know until I'll try to do the spell. I think I have the abilities to do it. I had packed the spellbook that contains the spell into my bag.

Lunch was over and we had just enough time to collect our bags and what outside the camp's gate for the other higher ups to show up. The general, captain and commander all showed up at once. They began the spell and we all quickly disappeared from our spots and popped in a field nearby the town we had to go to. But first we put up a small camp for us. Then we walked to the town. The town was rather quiet, not that big. Some people were walking in the streets. By the atmosphere of the town it truly it seemed they were mourning the poor hunters that died. I hope we find their bodies and return them to their families to bury the properly.

We were directed by a passerby to meet up with town's governor and gather information about the victims and other needed information to even find the bodies. Then our trackers began their work to try and estimate the location of the bodies or where the crime was committed. Thankfully it seemed that it happened not that far off from the start of the woods. This is the lucky part but we don't know if the bodies are scattered around. So we began our journey into the Redwoods. It was just another forest, nothing abnormal. It only got its name because of the monster's doing in there. The name does suggest it is painted in red, victim's blood. No matter the species, no matter the age. Merciless killings but no one had seen the creature in person for quite some years now but the killings continue to come. Thankfully only in the woods and nowhere else. The town people cannot use another forest since there are no nearby only the Redwoods.

Quickly enough we found the first body which surprised me how quickly that happened. And then after the other five were found nearby the first one that was located. Six hunters were found and by their wounds that were definitely made by a werewolf, we confirmed their deaths, poor humans. We took the bodies to the town and I managed to get a handful of blood samples unnoticed by others before handing the bodies to the loved ones. I know how they feel right now. I've been there myself. Its one of the worst feelings you can ever feel. Nothing can make those feelings go away, not even time, well they can die down but not fully, never fully. Afterwards we got back to our camp.

"When will you do the spell?" Joel asked me quietly.

"Early in the morning, before everyone wakes up."


We ate dinner together. It was quite the day today. At least we managed to find the bodies and not get attacked by the monster lurking in the woods. Its funny how rogues are known to be quite dangerous but this werewolf is far more dangerous. For us witches rogues are just werwolves without a pack, nothing more. But this monstrous werewolf never belonged to a pack, if he did then no information is on that or it has been made a secret.

Before heading to sleep I looked over the spell while laying in my small bed. Duncan and Joel were likely making out somewhere outside since they didn't return to this tent after dinner. But my worries went away after like twenty minutes when they finally showed up.

"Come on you two lovebirds go to sleep." I commented.

"Shouldn't you be the one asleep by now? You know why." Duncan said indicating my early morning plans. I know I shouldn't do this in secret from the higher ups but once I do it and hopefully get some good information, that should make them happy with my skills and what I did. Its not like it is an illegal spell to do anyway. I suppose no one had thought of doing it or no one has enough skill to do it. Location spells are hard, especially such those that involve finding someone through someone such as a mate they haven't even met yet. I might be doing this for literally nothing.

The rest of the members of this mission's group came inside and the lights were turned off. I knew I should go to sleep but I quite couldn't fall asleep yet. I tossed around in the small bed.

"Go to sleep." Joel whispered to me.

It was easier said than done. I finally found a more comfier positions to try and fall asleep in. Sleep soon took me in. Thankfully no visions invaded it. 

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