Chapter 11

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Joel's POV

My eyes slowly opened. I looked over to my right, where my beautiful boyfriend was sleeping besides me. Then I slowly sat up, looked around the room. The armchair. It was empty. No sign of the wolf or Dorian. I immediately got out of bed and got dressed to go down stairs to hope he was there but I didn't find him, then I asked my cousin if he saw him, he didn't. That is then I rushed upstairs to wake Duncan and Mavis up.

"What do you mean he is not here?" Duncan asked.

"His wolf... he got into the state." Mavis said. We all looked at each other frozen. He could've killed someone and gotten himself noticed. I hope that is not the case. We quickly got ready and ate breakfast fast. With the help of a spell we all changed appearances like last time. And off we were to the street. Our main search places were alleyways and just darker corners of the streets of this town. We all hoped he was in the town and not outside of it. Mavis uses her mate bond link with him to track his whereabouts. But for some reason it was strained and making hard for her to grasp a good location of his.

"What if his wolf is still active and running around, making hard for you to know his whereabouts?" Duncan spoke.

"I don't think so. The state shouldn't last that long, only through most of the night." She answered.

We scattered many streets and their dark corners, no sign of him. Though we did get some talks that there were a few people found dead in the morning, his work unfortunately or so we think, it makes sense the most. The more time we spend looking for him the more worried we all became. Funny it to say that me and Duncan were also worried for him, even though fairly recently he didn't like out relationship much but he has been tolerant for quite some time, by now likely even doesn't care. So we grew into a friendship with him, kind of and now we are worried for his safety. After all we are a team now.

The more time we searched, the more desperate we became and losing hope of finding was slipping away.

"We must find him." Mavis said desperately.

"We know and we will." Duncan tried to reassure her.

Our dear friend looked like thinking of something for a minute before heading somewhere.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"To find him of course."

I looked over to my boyfriend and he gave me a similar expression to my own. We had no clue what she thought of. But we tagged along. We walked closer to the victims that we think his wolf had touched. That makes senses. If Dorian's wolf had in fact killed these people then Mavis can use their blood to find Dorian. Mavis swiftly got a few drops of blood and descended towards an alleyway. There she took out a map that she had with her and dropped the blood, said the spell and the blood drops travelled into one spot, the place where he supposedly was.

We quickly got to walking towards the spot. It was almost on the last street, in a dark alleyway that was likely barely used. There we first saw some hay stack laying. Mavis ran towards it. And so we finally saw the man we've been looking for the entire day. His clothes were splattered with blood and Dorian was unconscious. Mavis picked him up and teleported us back to my cousin's house, to our room. She laid him on the couch and used a spell to check if he was alright, which he was. Soon after his eyes opened up. He looked confused.

"What happened?" He doesn't know his wolf was in the state.

"Your wolf got into the killer state and killed some people in the town. We think you were never spotted. We looked for you all day and finally found you in some alleyway." Mavis spoke.

"That's why I shouldn't have shifted in the first place. I knew it that it would happen soon."

"Don't beat yourself over it. You didn't know. Its fine." She tried to calm him down. I think it was working, I guess her touching his arm and her speaking helped him, the mate bond of werewolves is truly strong, especially mated ones.

Me and Duncan decided to leave them alone in the room. We walked into the small orangery where the flowers are growing mostly, there are some in the backyard outside the orangery but those are more seasonal while here some can grow any time of the year. And this place also protects us from being spotted by neighbors. We walked around the place and looked at the different flowers my cousin grows here.

"The roses are beautiful." Duncan spoke and pointed to the red flowers.

"They are indeed beautiful. But their stems have thorns that can hurt badly." I said.

"True. But they don't hurt you if you just look at them or smell them."

"Yeah and?"

"Well from the outside we don't look harmful, just like roses but a part of us is like thorns and can hurt if touched or somehow interacted or being threatened in some way."

I sometimes forget that Duncan wished to be a writer and still does honestly, so sometimes he says these poetic type of things and I love that. I smiled and walked put to him to kiss his cheek. He grabbed me by my waist and pulled me closer to him. Our eyes locked and then we began to kiss. We haven't had much privacy in quite some time, so we made sure to take our alone time and spend it well.

"Be careful. Don't destroy the flowers!" I commented.

"I am."

Later on we decided to go back upstairs. Thankfully we didn't find the couple doing any funny business while we were gone.

"Today didn't go as planned." Mavis uttered.

"True. But at last we found Dorian and he was not spotted and hunted down. Though this could alert the witch council. It probably already was. Lets hope they don't come searching for us that quickly." Duncan said.

"Its all my fault." Dorian voiced out.

Mavis looked at him.

"It is not. Not fully at least. We've talked through this. So stop criticizing yourself over it."

Shortly after my cousin called us for dinner. While eating the delicious food I noticed how my cousin would glance over to Dorian's side, likely after finding out he was missing, that didn't settled well with him. But alas he stopped looking and simply ate his food. That could've made our stay here worse. We must find a place to hide at tomorrow or else the witch army and the council will try finding us, especially here after Dorian's wolf got into the state at night and killed a few of the town's residents.

Afterwards we got back upstairs to our room. Good thing we knew is that the wolf should not go into the state for quite some time after it just happened. So somewhat safely the werewolf was able to shift and go to sleep. For Mavis tomorrow is going to be quite the adventure to find the place. I don't know exactly what we three are going to be doing but I hope something because staying in the room here all day doesn't sound so appealing. Besides I'm pretty sure my cousin could use some hands to help him with the plants.

Me and Duncan got into the bed. He was the big spoon, so he sort of hugged me as we were getting comfortable. Its better to sleep together in a bed made for two people than a single military small bed that is rather small even for one person to sleep in. While in the army you barely get to go home and so the comfort of a normal bed is very much missed. Once this whole thing is over I wish that me and Duncan live somewhere safe, maybe surrounded by nature or something. Perhaps Mavis and Dorian will go back to live in his cabin and if they allow it, we might be able to build our own nearby them and live there for the rest of our lives. I do not wish to return to the army and I doubt they would even let us.

Spending most of the day walking really tired me out. I blew out the candle and the room darkened. My eyes closed. The warmth from Duncan and the blanket made me be more comfortable which is why I fallen asleep quickly. I had a hard time sleeping since childhood. I still don't know why. This problem is a big hardship in the military for me. So I never get much sleep or at least good sleep. So most days I am half asleep without actually sleeping. 

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