Chapter 15

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Dorian's POV

Today was the first day when we have a new teammates in the base. I turned around where I slept and was met with Mavis's peaceful, sleeping face. Some hair was covering her face and so I gently push them back. I shouldn't be staring at her while she's sleeping like some creep but I couldn't help it. I can't believe that I truly was blessed with a mate, an amazing and powerful mate. My wolf and I are proud that she is risking a lot for us. We don't like that she could get hurt or even die doing this for us. Black magic is no joke. I believe she could survive it but you never know. Its best to never resort to black magic but she is determined to remove the goddess's curse from me.

Slowly I got up. Mavis stirred up because of my movement.

"Is it morning?"

"Yes." I answered. She slowly got up while I was getting dressed. I waited for her to od the same before we got out of the room and walked to the kitchen side of the base. Only Ren, the rogue was awake.

"I didn't want to cook without either one of you four." He justified.

"Its alright. You can use the kitchen and its continents whenever, just make sure to leave enough for others. We could start cooking breakfast for everyone." Mavis spoke.

"Is it true you are the werewolf who lived in the Redwoods?" He asked me while we were cooking.

"Yes. But it is somewhat preventable. It doesn't happen all the time."


I'm glad he didn't ask me if I was the killer wolf, just that I was the one who lived in the woods, which is the same but for me the words are less harsh. We cooked and eventually the rest of the team got out of the rooms and walked into the main hall. Many spoke on how it smelled nice. We didn't have any actual plans for the day. Likely some training and perhaps a bit of planning for the heist itself. We ate breakfast in silence. I really liked this slow and peaceful morning. Afterwards we walked into the middle of the room. Mavis led us to there and she didn't tell what exactly we will be doing but I guess training, I don't think it could be anything else.

"Since we are a team. A new team, means we should know each other's strengths and weakness that regard our abilities. So we will do some training in pairs and so observe each other and learn from this." She finished talking. I was correct.

I was paired up with Ren since we are both werewolves here. Mavis took on Lycia, Duncan was fighting Meg and that left Joel with Gill. Me and the rogue were first to fight. Ren wasn't a bad fighter. We both had shifted into our wolves but due to my far more years of experience and overall strength I was able to fight him quite easily, though he didn't give up until the end. A good fight not going to lie. He was great at dodging my attacks which will be very needed in the near future. Next up was Joel and Gill. Unfortunately Gill was more skilled than Joel and won the fight rather quickly, he was good at surprise attacks. Then Meg and Duncan fought. Meg was of more dental nature and so fighting wasn't really her strong suit. She mostly tried to defend herself and deflect Duncan's attacks. But what surprised us all was her ability to actually attack him once in a while, taking him by surprise. Though Duncan won the fight.

Last of all it was Mavis and Lycia's turn. They both put up quite the fight for us. Since Lycia is a vampire, her biggest strength was speed. But my mate did not get much fazed by it. Lycia tried to mostly run away from my mate's attacks and sometimes catch up and knock her down but she didn't give up, both didn't. In the end my mate was the winner. Honestly this was a great way to waste the time in the day. Some fights took longer, some shorter. Overall we did learn quite a few things about each other's fighting styles and such.

Afterwards we made lunch. Joel was not present for a bit before returning with a white paper in his hand.

"My cousin sent a letter for us." He spoke. The three of us got tense from this, this is not a good thing.

"Why did it say?" Duncan asked.

"The witch army was in this town. They were asking everyone and knocking on each other to ask questions. He did not rat us out but this is not good news anyway." He was correct about it being bad news.

The table was silent. No one knew what to say or even if it was needed. The four of us knew that the army and the council will not backdown before catching us, dead or alive. We're a threat to them, a big one at that. But there is no way of going back, so we must do the heist and then figure how to sort out our problem with the witches. For know things are not going too well. At east we are rather safe here. I hope no one in the new recruits are moles.

I believe by thinking about all of this trouble I got so tensed that I felt nice sparks coming from my shoulder and I instantly relaxed.

"You alright?" Mavis asked me. I nodded.

Then some went to their rooms, some stayed in the kitchen area. Me and Mavis got back to our room. She immediately after closing the door crashed her lips on mine. I was taken by surprise but did not complain and responded fast. Soon we dropped on the bed. I stopped kissing her.

"What if they will hear us?"

"You know they won't. We don't have much time left to be alone. Let's use it while we can."

And so we continued to kiss and more. Later on we relaxed by Mavis laying on my chest. The sparks were nice but killing me at the same time in a good way of course. I hope that things will go smoothly and quickly so I could get back to living in the cabin in the Redwoods with Mavis. I miss the nice calm days. My wolf and I had forgiven her a long time ago about the kidnapping and such. I cannot believe she was a blessing to really fool me like that. I truly have a wonderful mate, don't I? Seeing her happy is all I need. If her wanting to get rid of the curse will make her happy, I will go on with the decision, though I am fearful of losing her along the way with the dark magic. I wish there was another way. Well asking the goddess to remove it would be it, she definitely wouldn't agree to it.

"I should let out my wolf a bit." I spoke.

"I'll put a spell to make you invisible."


I left her to go to sleep. She really needs it. Once outside I shifted and ran away from the underground base. My wolf and I needed some time alone. Away from the people. I found a small lake where I sat down on a rock nearby. Me and my wolf discussed about the near future plans and our fears for our mate's wellbeing. Dark magic is no joke. Even the gods and goddess know that it is something else, despite them being rather stronger than witches, perhaps such magic is superior to the deity magic they have. I unfortunately did not really get much from my goddess mother. I hope she will make sure the mate she had kindly given me will be safe forever. I'm sure Mavis is strong enough to resist the dark magic's bad side. I hope I will be correct on that.

The moon was shining bright tonight. It was really beautiful. I hope my mother was listening to me and my wolf taking and will help us whenever needed. I didn't ask much before or anything at all, so I hope this time for the sake of my own mate she will do something, I know she can. But my time alone had to be cut off. I don't know how long my mate's spell lasts, so I returned to the base. Everyone was asleep. I crawled into bed and Mavis sensed me and moved closer to me. I love her so much. Lets hope the next handful of days will go smoothly. It should be if we are careful enough and prepare well for the heist. Tomorrow is another day of training and planning. The team we have is rather nice. They all are good at their own skill sets. I closed my eyes and dreamed of little me, not much of a pleasant dream but I didn't mind. 

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