Chapter 5

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Mavis's POV

Its been a few weeks. We have gotten into a routine of sorts. I have been able to roam the forest close to the cabin for almost a week now. I love how he trust me far more. But I am still slightly nervous about the capturing. I might push him into marking me today if possible. I can't stall much longer. Besides I believe his wolf is killing him inside and wishes to mark me. I hope he doesn't have work tomorrow, so the marking and mating would go smoother. We haven't gone far in the relationship, only kissing really. Which is better than nothing I suppose.

This particular morning I woke up later than usual. Dorian was already out of the house and likely at work by now. I slowly got ready. Swam in the lake and picked up some mushrooms along my way to the lake and back to the cabin. Then I prepared myself breakfast using the mushrooms I collect with an egg that he bought at the market yesterday. Afterwards I practiced shellwork a bit. I was very cautious to make sure he wasn't back early for some reason. Once I felt like I had trained enough I hopped on the couch and read a few chapters of a book. That's my usual routine the past few weeks. I grew accustom to the quiet nature of the place. I could even say I love it now. I might have overworked myself in the army and this feels like a nice vacation but unfortunately it is still a job for me. I cannot screw this up.

While reading I noticed that I was getting sleepy, so I took a nap and only was awoken later by the front door creaking, he was back.

"Hey. How was work?"

"Hi. Good as always. Nothing interesting though."

"Sad." He sometimes has fun stories to tell from that day at his work. Since it was now evening we prepared dinner together.

We finished the food and cleaned up the dirty dishes. I was the one drying the utensils. Once that was done I kissed him. He pulled me closer to him by my waist which made me smile and made butterflies erupt my stomach. We migrated to the bed. The kissing did not stop there. I was truly enjoying the moment a lot. Could say my mind was not in control. But my body knew what had to be done tonight. We parted, breathing heavily. I placed my neck in a way that would make it easier for him to mark me.

"Mark me." I spoke.

"Are you sure?"


With that he leaned closer to my face and started to kiss me from the lips and then down to my neck, stopping at the special spot. He licked it and then looked at me for the final confirmation which I nodded. His canines showed up and he went for it. It hurt terrible for a few seconds before the pleasure and the sparks drowned the pain away. Of course I couldn't mark him, as a witch I could but he doesn't know that. Dorian told me to just simply bite the sam spot at his neck which apparently would do similarly to his. I did as told. Then the clothes were off and the mating started. I knew that it would be intense but not that much as it was. He really was holding back this whole time. I might not be able to walk tomorrow.

The morning was rough for me. I truly had a hard time walking to which he laughed at me for.

"You bastard! You did this to me!" Dorian's hands were up in the surrendering manner. But we both smiled afterwards.

"I love you." He said. I didn't know if I could return the same. I didn't want to lie. I was torn at that moment.

"You don't have to say it now. I know this might be too soon for you. I won't mind waiting for that."

I nodded. I don't think after he is captured I will return such feelings and words to him. I doubt he will want to accept them. In my heart it feels wrong and right to do this to him. Its for my grandma I had to say that to myself.

"What are you thinking about?" The werewolf asked me.

"Nothing in particular." Liar.

The rest of the day went by quickly. Thankfully he didn't have work, so it was easy to get help from him. One thing for sure was that I knew I could not get pregnant, we were careful and the next day in the morning after he left to go to work I made the herbal tea and did a spell to make sure I am not going to have a baby soon. I had to be ready to do the sleeping spell on him. This is the day or never. If I fail and he finds out, he might kill me or force me to be inside the house forever.

I should occupy myself and not think about such things right now. I got everything ready. I read a book so to help myself calm down and so that it doesn't seem so suspicious for no reason. Dorian came back a few hours later.

"Hello, dear." He walked up to the couch and leaned to peck my lips. Then I offered to make tea to which he agreed. I was relieved that he wanted the tea. I gave him the tea and it was ready with the spell working. He drank it all rather quickly and slowly his eyes started to close and his body was about to fall before I spoke to a spell that held him, preventing the werewolf from falling to the ground. I got him onto the couch and did the spell that would send the signal to my team to meet me outside the forest, nearby where I had previously walked into the Redwoods.

I carefully lifted my mate up with the help of the spell and we got to the spot. I didn't have to wait long for my teammates to arrive and teleport us to the camp base. We placed him inside a prison cell that was below the actual camp. It was hard for me to look at his sleeping body and walk away as if nothing. I knew once he wakes up, the nightmares of his will start to happen and it all will be my fault. But before that I wanted to finally visit my grandma.

Each step I took further away from him made my heart shatter into more pieces. So I decided to put a spell on myself that would prevent me from already feeling any of the bond towards him for some time. The tattoo got revealed, I didn't need to hide it anymore but the mark on my neck I did have to say a spell to conceal it. My poor grandma doesn't need to know about this. Not like she would be mad fo me being a mate of a wolf but just in case.

I got the the hospital where she resides. Its like a hospital and a elderly home. Which is good for such people like my grandma. I can't look after her but I can pay for the place. I don't have my own since I live in the military camps and base most of the time. One of the workers recognized me and took me to my grandma who was outside looking at a garden that had beautiful flowers blooming since it was the season. Then she was younger she loved to tend to flowers but no longer is capable of that, so looking does bring some joy to her at least.


"Oh hello, my dear." I hugged her. She continued to speak.

"How is work?"

She reminded me of Dorian being locked away in the cell.

"Its good. Everything is going good. I just finished a mission actually." Half lie.

"That's amazing to hear."

We chatted more and then walked to a gazebo to hide from the sun since it was really sunny today. At least she was doing better in her health at the moment and while I was gone but you never know when things will go south. After we hanged out for a few hours I came back to the base camp and decided to eat food and go to sleep. In the morning my friends flooded me with questions about the mission. I couldn't say much about it. Well I told them about the mark and such. They were worried about me. But I brushed that off. Everything will be alright with me. Dorian on the other hand, I don't know, surely not. I should not be thinking about him right now.

A soldier rushed up to us and he said the words that made me really feel bad about my recent decisions.

"He's awake. The general and others are waiting."

I nodded and my friends told me to leave my dirty dished behind and so I was led to the same prison cell we left him there.

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