Chapter 18

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Duncan's POV

I hate it when Joel has a hard time sleeping. It breaks me a bit. I still have no clue on how to help him really, I never knew. This morning was rough for us. Yesterday after Gill's betrayal, the atmosphere is not the same as back at the old base. Everyone seemed more tired and just worn out, maybe the sleep wasn't that great, even for me that was true. Breakfast was so depressing to eat. No one spoke, no one seemed to have much of an appetite or a pinch of happy emotions.

"I know that no one is really in the mood today but we have a mission, a heist to do. We'll go through the plan fully this time. Then we will do some combat, later the time will be all yours to do whatever." Mavis finally spoke.

After breakfast we sat down on chair in a semicircle.

"Right. Let's begging then. So we already established that we will have to kidnapp some royal witches to pretend to be them in order to roam Stelstrall freely without getting caught." She began the meeting.

"Yeah, but will they not make sure to get more protection for such people since Gill knew?" Ren questioned.

"That's true. But it shouldn't be anything hard I think."

"So what's next?" Meg was the one behind the question.

"We go inside the main building. There we will go down to the dungeons. We will split. I will go for the spellbook's chamber and the rest of you will go to the money reserve chambers. Once we are all done, we will teleport and meet outside the city."

"Why will you go alone?"

"Good question, Joel. Well incase something happens with the book. At least all of you will be safe." I knew this answer didn't appeal to Dorian much. The werewolf wanted to object but likely they have talked about this before and so he didn't speak a word.

After the meeting we all took on combat in pairs. My first opponent was Ren. As a werwolf he was fighting mostly in his wolf form, usually in the first few minutes he doesn't shift but once he feels a struggle, the wolf comes out. Honestly a good fighter. I suppose the years in the wilderness do make some people good fighter since it is mostly all survival and you are on your own. Werwolves are community creatures, they have a harder time surviving on their own usually. But overall the fight was good and I won. Ren didn't like that he lost, facial expressions showing his true feelings after the fight. My next opponent was Lycia. She previously won against Meg.

She was a really good fighter, I guess her vampire age does make a good impact on her skills as well. I had a hard time keeping up with her speed. I hope the witch army will never use vampires in battle against us, because I am going to die that way. So you kind of can guess who won, she did. I got another partner to fight against and we did this until lunchtime, when basically all of us were exhausted beyond believe, I'm joking but we were very tired by then.

Food tasted way better when you are hungry. Its a real fact I'll stand by.

"What if tomorrow we kidnap the royals? Its best if we begin the plan as early as we can." Meg spoke.

"I think that it's a great idea actually. I'll recheck the royals we must get then." Mavis answered.

I guess the heist is going to happen very soon. It hasn't been that long since Mavis had gone to the mission to catch Dorian. What a bizarre time I live in. We have more enemies than before all of this mess but I guess the gods are left, but we witches don't believe in such things, its more of a human and werewolf thing, well the wolves believe in only one, humans have many and it even is different in each region, vampires and witches are more superior in this, we don't need such deities. But then you think about it, Dorian is a son of the moon goddess herself, which means that gods and goddess of the two species are real. My brain can't wrap around this fact. All I need is to actually see the deity in front of me, then I'll know if they are real or not.

Afterwards we had to train more. I fought against Dorian first. Oh boy did he put up a fight. I was losing within a few minutes. He didn't need to shift worst of all. Then Mavis followed, I knew that she is a greta fighter but recently she has been improving her skill beyond my knowledge on how, she doesn't have black magic yet, still manages to be that strong. I was down in a similar timing as her mate. Today is not my day to fight anyone. Don't judge me, alright? We have our better days. Once we thoughts it was enough of training, I return to my bed that I share with Joel of course, I found my little journal where I like to write some of my thoughts and poetry or whatever I think of that needs to be written down. I am not that good at being a soldier which is interesting since that was my position in the army, but the other two positions were not my thing too. After this whole thing is over and we are safe and live peacefully, I might try to publish or sell my book that I have been trying to write for a few years. That's what is in my journals, I have a few collected and finished over the few years and more.

Joel joined me at the bed. He laid down and rested his head on my stomach, I was sort of sitting on the bed, resting my head against the metal bar and pillow. He peaked into my journal, I never allow him to read it, so I quickly noticed his staring and so I turned the journal in the way he couldn't read a thing. He sighed and fully rested his head on my stomach. Soon I noticed he drifted into sleep. He needed that, since it is a hard thing to do for him. My boyfriend has an easier time taking naps throughout the day than to fully sleep through the night. Well he slept and I wrote until the time of dinner came. I wanted to help to cook but was told that my help wasn't needed today. Meant that I had more epitome to write and not having to disturb Joel's sleep.

The dinner food was nice, as nice as it can get in the conditions we live in currently. But it wasn't a silent time, everyone was chatting with at least someone. I had the pleasure to talk with Meg. She was telling me a bit about her past. She had a husband but apparently someone blamed her for their crime and she had to flee her town and leave her husband behind. At the time she was early in her pregnancy and found out recently but never told her husband and once she was out of the witch territory, Meg knew that having a baby will worsen her chance of survival as well as the unborn child's, so she got rid of it. I got really sad hearing her story. I think she hasn't told anyone about that yet.

Soon Joel who was sitting next to me started to talk to me about some future plans after the heist. I don't know exactly of my answer to that but I knew one thing for sure.

"I'll be alright if you will be by my side."

"I was thinking the same thing. I love you."

"Love you." Joel leaned in and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

This dinner felt far more lively and overall nice rand more fun than the other ones we had, even at the old base. Maybe it is because tomorrow we are starting to follow the plan and the heist's start. Or perhaps its because we all got comfortable being with each other. I'm curious what the other three cremates will do once the heist is over and they get their money, their prize for this trouble. I won't ask it isn't any of my business. Soon dinner was over, Lycia and Mavis washed the dishes while the rest of us got ready for bed. I was tired and tomorrow awaits a big day for us as a team. I really hope this mission, this heist will go smoothly and we will not get caught by the witch army. If so, we will probably never get out of prison for the rest of our lives and I don't want that, no one does. Soon the base became all quiet. 

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