Chapter 9

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Dorian's POV

I woke up because someone besides me was moving. Mavis? I opened my eyes and saw her move a bit besides me and mumble things I cannot understand. Then her eyes opened wide and she sat up. Quickly got out of the bed and ran to the backpacks and searched for something. I was so confused on what was happening. Her two witch friends woke up too.

"What is happening?" I asked them.

"She had a vision. And likely this one is useful and she'll draw or write down things." One of them answered. I still don't remember their names.

My mate drew and wrote down things for a minute or so before finally stopping.

"A vision?" Her friend asked. She nodded.

"I saw Dorian's past. And his curse and who done it. You never told me that your mother is the moon goddess and your father was an alpha of a pack, why?" I forgot to tell her that.

"I-I forgot to tell you."

"But you don't know anything about your curse?"

"No. Even my father didn't... that's why I got kicked out of his pack, he was angry at mother but even she didn't know."

"I know. I saw it. A goddess, I don't know who, but she cursed you, well your wolf."

Silence followed.

"I don't know what to do. Well she did say something about a powerful mate, a witch seems logical ne but there is no spell for that... unless."

"What are you saying?" Her friend asked.

"Dark magic. The witch council has the dark spellbook hidden and protected in their secret library." My mate answered.

Her friends jumped her with words of not agreeing with her idea. I didn't like it myself.

"But what if it doesn't work?" I asked.

"It will." She said sternly.

"I won't let you just die!"

"So you'll allow your killer wolf to kill me one day?"

Silence came back. My anger was gone in an instant. She was correct, my wolf in that state would likely not spare her too. Just thinking about it made me feel bad. But I don't want her to die or be consumed by the dark magic in a bad way. I'm sure it could also not turn her evil but you never know. If she can handle it that is. I don't know too much about witches, so I can't rally have a say in this but her friends do.

"What are you doing." Her friend asked.

"Packing. We're going to steal the spellbook."

"You crazy or what?! We are already wanted! We could not go pass anywhere!" Another friend screamed at her. I didn't like their tones but I understood them and had to hold my wolf from growling out loud.

"We can do disguises, remember? We are witches, three of us. So lets go, now!"

Neither of us spoke and did as told. She was scary when she was serious and angry. My wolf didn't like that the idea what he could one day kill his own mate. So of course he did not argue or even wanted to.

"Why can't we be teleported into one of your homes?" I finally asked.

"We don't have homes, unless our parents or Mavis doesn't have one at all, because you are always in the military and they provide a bed and a big tent where many other's sleep."

"Right. Sorry I asked about this."

"Its alright, you don't even remember out names. I'm Duncan. He is Joel." The black hair guy is Duncan, blond guy is Joel, got it now.

We got out of the forest. I don't really know where we were heading but I didn't question it. Better somewhere safe than not. We stayed closer to the nature, so to not get spotted but I believe that they casted a spell to make us invisible but avoiding others was just a precaution. We finally did our first stop. Joel, the blond one gave us an idea.

"I know where we could hide for a bit. My cousin lives alone in the next town and has a flower shop. I hope he could hide us for a bit. It would be our best option right now." He said.

"That's wonderful idea, dear. I hope he would let us. If he doesn't tell anyone." His boyfriend spoke. Still a bit weird to say that.

"He shouldn't. I hope so."

"So I guess we all agree to go there, right?" Mavis asked and we all nodded.

We rested for a bit longer before starting to walk towards the town, there we might get shelter for handful of days if we're lucky that is. We walked what felt like hours even thought it probably was less than two house since we stopped for the break. I like that we're close to nature, I feel better there than being with others. Of course nothing is better than having my own mate by my side. Sometimes while walking I would glance at her. She always had a focused almost like thinking face. I wished to know what troubled her mind but I did not spoke a word about it.

"Shouldn't we get disguises for the town? Like I doubt it would be easy to get inside the house with no notice before hand and just invisible people kind of breaking into a shop?" I finally asked, the question bothering for quite some time now.

"You are right. We better do that." The dark haired guy agreed with me.

We stopped and the two witches looked at Mavis. She spoke words out and in no time all of us one by one started to notice change in our appearances. Duncan instead of black hair got red and a few other changes, Joel's hair turned brown. Mavis had her blond hair turn black. In the reflection of the puddle near me I saw my black hair turn blond. It was weird seeing myself with such hair color but I didn't mind it as much as I thought I would. We all looked definitely different from our usual selves which was a good thing.

Since we changed out appearance we were able to go into public without getting recognized, I hope we won't. We continued to walk towards the town. By some time we were rather close. Like it was past lunch time as well. Soon we got to walk past the first houses and the first street. Town people walked by us as if we were just passing by. Thought it did make me feel bad then I saw posters of our faces on the walls of some houses. We in fact where being hunted and searched for. Although this is no news to me but for my mate and her friends it might be a bit much. I've been a criminal for years, this is just harder since I want to protect my mate now.

The people did not care that there were strangers walking in their streets. We were able to go by easily. Joel led us to his cousin's place. I've never been to this town, maybe I have, just not for many years and it simply just changed over time. But it seemed busy and quiet at the same time. Its been a while since I've been in a town or a city. Well waking up somewhere random after my wolf would go into the state was not the most pleasant thing since I had to find ways to get out without being noticed. The best time was nighttime but not always lucky.

At one point we turned to the left and walked by the street. Likely where the needed house is located at. Most of the houses were occupied by residence, but a handful of them were shops. This street was a bit more busy since the small shops were there. It felt like we were going to go along the street until he end of it and the need house won't be there at all. I almost wanted to say something about it but kept my mouth shut. But soon we came to a stop.

The house looked like a flower shop, by the sign hanged up and the flowers being all around it. I looked at mavis, she glanced at me and Joel began to walk up the few stairs up to the front door. He knocked. Though I think since it's a shop we could have just walked in but I guess this is more of a polite way to do it. Minute passed, no one answered.

"Maybe he isn't home right now?" Duncan said.

"He has to. It's a workday." The other spoke.

"Maybe we go try a bit later?" Mavis suggested.

As we were heading back to the town or at least turned towards it and Joel going back down the stairs towards us, the front door finally opened, revealing a similar age guy to Joel. 

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