File: Unknown

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*Eggman's POV*

I slammed my fists into the desk as a large badnik placed Metal Sonic on a table for repairs, after another fight with the irritating group of pests known as the Freedom Fighters

Me: Damn that hedgehog! How many times will he and is troublesome friends destroy my creations?!

Orbot: *whispers to Cubot* Probably a lot more if he keeps sending them to fight Sonic

I then threw a mug at the sassy robot, hitting him square in the face, then I turned to Metal Sonic

Cubot: Are you ok Orbot?

Orbot: Obviously

Me: *sighs: I might as well search through his memory files before repairing him, maybe by watching previous battles, I'll find out what the problem is

I then sat down at the computer and went into Metal Sonic's memory files, when I noticed a file that wasn't there before, or one that I didn't notice

Cubot: What's 'File: Unknown'?

Orbot: Obviously an unknown file

Out of curiosity, I clicked on the file, it was a bunch of videos and some coding, I clicked play on one, and it started playing out events from before the super genesis wave, I recognized most of the events, but not all, along with some of the Mobians, it was in a different point of view, but the one thing I was more confused about, was a robot that resembled Metal Sonic but was black and yellow with a red gem in its chest, it was also different from any badniks I've made before, it seemed to have a personality based on the video, quite a annoying one at that, and in the video Metal called it his 'brother' and it mentioned me robbing the free-will from Metal, which proved it was against me, but by the end up the video, Metal Sonic had self-destructed, damaged the other robot, when a familiar voice, the Ai that hung around Sally, revealed it's name was 'Shard', I then smiled

Orbot: Uh oh..the boss has an idea

Cubot: Whatcha thinkin boss?

Me: Maybe..I can find that robot, and use it for my own gain, but first. I need to find the exact coordinates of where that fight took place

Orbot: You mean you need to fix Metal Sonic first?

I threw a wrench at him this time, then another badnik came in

Me: Yes?

Badnik: Dr. Eggman. Sonic the Hedgehog has shown at the front of the base, he has brought the two-tailed fox and princess

Me: Well, are you fighting him?

Badnik: Affirmative

Me: Good

I then saw another video, in Metal Sonic's point of view this time, where it fought the same robot and revealed it as 'the original Mecha Sonic', whatever that meant, and that it had lost complete royalty in my empire, the video was quite short, the unknown file had multiple stuff, I would have to check out at a later date, but one thing was for sure, there was another Metal Sonic running around, or Shard as it called itself, and It was against me


*Sonic's POV*

I spin-dashed through an Egg Pawn, knocking it to the ground as it shut off, I turned to see Sally and Tails fending off some Motobugs, and then I spotted a few Buzz Bombers in the sky, as another two Egg Pawns were coming over

Me: Tails! Up there!

Tails: On it!

Sally: I'll deal with the rest of the Motobugs

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