Forgotten Friends

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The Next Morning (they decided to look over the file in the morning since it was late. But you know Tails, always the early bird)

*Sally' POV*

I stretched awake, I looked around my room, and got up out of bed, I walked out and into Tails room to see him watching a video, his elbows on his desk, and his chin resting on his hands

Me: You alright Tails?

Tails:'s just that..the stuff that I found inside that unknown file..confuses me

Me: So, you've started early. But, what's so confusing?

Tails: Some of the stuff looks like programming..and the video's are mostly in some robot's point of I guess..these are all its memories

I pulled out a chair from the corner and rolled it over to his side, then sat down

Me: So, what's so confusing?

Tails: Well first of all, this programming looks like the robot would be against us and loyal to Eggman, hardly acts like some of the coding, it doesn't seem as..controlled.. as the programming shows..and second, it's fighting Metal Sonic in like two, and seems to be against Naugus too..and the video's not only show that..but also a few people I don't recognize

Me: As in?

He then swapped video's and sped forward through a fight with Naugus, and paused where the recorder was looking through a window, showing a Mobini dog, which was Ben in the past, Sonic's Uncle Chuck, and two others we didn't recognize a robot hedgehog and normal purple one with yellow hair

Tails: This good enough? And it seems Chuck knows who they are, but I don't expect Ben to

Me: Same

Tails: It also seems like that the people that know who this robot is, includes Chuck, Silver, Nicole, Eggman, and some of other people, including me, Sonic, and Amy. The robot also seems to go by the name Shard, probably given due to the shard of a power gem on his chest, and is part of some team called the 'Secret Freedom Fighters'? And was also known at the time as the original Mecha Sonic

Me: Wait..didn't we get our memories back from before the Genesis Wave?

Tails: Yeah..but that goes to show...only a few memories returned..and some of the people from said memories were forgotten..

Me: What if...they're still alive?

Tails: I bet they would, but what're we going to do about it?

Me: I don't know, use the information from these video's to find some of them

Tails: But what about the people that don't show up in the videos? Cause I definitely would have to guess there is at least some like that

Me: Well, maybe the people that do will know them, hopefully they still have their memories, and can help us find them

Tails: Maybe..and I guess it's worth a shot but first, I wanna try getting Silver over here cause Chuck is busy, and they're the only ones, that aren't any of us, that show up in the videos and know some of the forgotten people..or at least are shown to know them

Me: Good idea, I'll get Sonic on that since he'll probably find him faster

Tails: Alright, and I'll try to analyze Shard's data to see if I can find out where he is, so at the least we still have the chance of finding the others in case we can't get Silver's memories of the genesis wave back, however we plan to do that

I nodded, and walked out to see Sonic was already up, I walked over

Me: Sonic

Sonic: Yes Sal?

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