The Original Mecha Sonic

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*Belle's POV*

I was standing over the bot me and Tangle had found, and had finished fixing it, but still I didn't know what to do with the gem, and at the time, I was thinking it was his power source, since even when fully fixed, he was still offline, I sighed, then Lanolin walked in

Lanolin: Hey, Belle?

Me: Yes?

Lanolin: What if we just told the Freedom Fighters about him? Maybe Tails can do something with his gem

Me: Yeah, but I think we should tell them to come here instead of us going there

Lanolin: Ok


*Sonic's POV*

I was running around Knothole, as usual, then I saw Lanolin, so I sped over and stopped in front of her

Me: Good evening

Lanolin: Sonic, it's noon

Me: Meh

Lanolin: Anyway, I'm glad I found you

Me: Technically, I found you, but what do you need?

Lanolin: Well, the other day Tangle and Belle found something, some broken robot, and we thought maybe Tails can fix what Belle can't

Me: Oh ok, I'll go get Tails

Lanolin: Thanks

I then sped off towards the park where we were all hanging out for a break, and Silver and Shadow were there too

Me: Hey, Tails!

Tails: What?

Me: The Diamond Cutters need our help with something, well, mostly yours

Tails: Oh, alright

Nicole: Maybe I can also help

Me: Sure

The three of us then went to the Diamond Cutters base, and saw Lanolin, Tangle, Whisper, and Duo chatting

Me: Lanolin

Lanolin: Oh, right! *points to a door* Belle's in there with the robot, she fixed him up mostly, but doesn't know what to do with getting him back online, she'll explain

We nodded and I knocked on the door, then it opened a little to reveal Belle

Belle: Oh, come in

She then opened the door fully and the three of us walked in, and on the table we saw a fixed Shard

Tails: So, you guys are the ones who found him!

Belle: you know where he came from?

I sighed, and then explained about the Genesis wave and how we learned about him, Belle seemed shocked and then shook it off

Belle: So, what do we do?

Nicole: Well...I think we should replace the gem, since the current one seems..

She trailed off, I placed a hand on her shoulder, thinking she felt bad cause she watched the video's and maybe she felt the same thing that Silver felt the day before, maybe more

Tails: But maybe, we should input that file we found into the new gem, cause those seemed like memories, and I don't want to risk deleting his entire self

Me: Yeah, good idea

Belle: But one question, where do we even get..whatever that gem's called

Tails: I think it's a shard of a power gem

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19 ⏰

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