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April 2nd, 2019

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April 2nd, 2019.

The morning sun peeked through the sheer curtains, its rays casting a golden glow that painted the room in hues of amber and honey

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The morning sun peeked through the sheer curtains, its rays casting a golden glow that painted the room in hues of amber and honey. The light filtered gently through the window, illuminating the delicate cherry blossoms that adorned Rina's balcony. Each petal seemed to dance in the soft breeze, a delicate ballet against the backdrop of the awakening day.

The fragrance of the cherry blossoms wafted into the room, a sweet and intoxicating scent that filled the air with the promise of spring. The soft rustle of leaves accompanied the gentle swaying of the blossoms, creating a symphony of nature's melody that enveloped the room in a sense of tranquility.

Rina's eyelids fluttered open, the soft light gently coaxing her from the depths of sleep. As Rina basked in the warm embrace of the morning light, she couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at the beauty of the world outside her window.

For a moment, she forgot about the curse incident of the previous day, lost in the serenity of the spring morning. It was as if time itself had slowed, allowing her to savor the simple beauty of the world around her.

Despite what happened, it still somewhere deep in her mind reminded her of the haunting memories of her family's tragic demise. The images of her parents and brother lying lifeless amidst the ruins of their home lingered in the recesses of her mind, a constant reminder of the pain and loss she had endured. Though the events of the previous day weighed heavily on her mind, she refused to be consumed by despair. With a deep breath, she banished the haunting images of her family's tragic end, determined to focus on the present and the opportunities it held. Yet, even as she pushed aside the tendrils of grief, she couldn't help but feel their lingering presence, like a shadow that refused to be dispelled.

Each creak of the wooden floorboards beneath her feet echoed with the weight of the past, a constant reminder of the horrors she had endured. But with each step she took, Rina resolved to shake off the shackles of her past, to embrace the uncertainty of the future with courage and resilience.

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