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June 14th, four days later

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June 14th, four days later.

The dormitory was bathed in the gentle morning sunlight, a soft golden glow enveloped the hallway, casting shadows that danced along the walls

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The dormitory was bathed in the gentle morning sunlight, a soft golden glow enveloped the hallway, casting shadows that danced along the walls. Rina stirred from her slumber, her movements slow and deliberate as she emerged from the depths of sleep. Stretching her limbs, she blinked away the remnants of dreams, her mind gradually reawakening to the world around her. With a lazy yawn, she swung her legs over the edge of her bed, the cool floor greeting her bare feet as she rubbed the sleep from her eyes, thoughts still swirling in a haze of half-consciousness.

Just as she rose from her bed, Rina glanced at the calendar hanging on her wall, her heart skipping a beat as she realized the date. June 14th. It had been four days since that fateful night in Satoru's room, and the memory still weighed heavily on her mind. Despite her best efforts to put it behind her, the tension between them lingered like an unspoken truth, casting a shadow over their interactions.

With a sigh, Rina pushed aside her thoughts and focused on the task at hand. She quickly dressed in a simple t-shirt and leggings, running a brush through her tangled hair before grabbing her toiletries and heading down the hallway towards the shared bathroom.

Approaching the bathroom door, Rina hesitated for a moment, her heart fluttering nervously in her chest. She knew that Satoru often used the bathroom around this time, and the thought of encountering him in such an intimate setting made her stomach churn with apprehension. But she pushed aside her doubts and reached for the door handle, steeling herself for whatever might await on the other side.

With a deep inhalation, Rina grasped the doorknob and gently pushed the door ajar, allowing it to swing open with a soft creak. Stepping into the bathroom, she was greeted by the familiar sight of tiled walls and gleaming fixtures, illuminated by the gentle glow of the morning light streaming through the frosted window. The room was filled with the soothing sound of running water, echoing softly against the tiled surfaces.



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