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July 1st, next day

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July 1st, next day.

The morning sun filtered through the thin fabric of Rina's tent, casting soft, dappled light across her face

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The morning sun filtered through the thin fabric of Rina's tent, casting soft, dappled light across her face. She lay on her sleeping bag, engrossed in a book, her fingers absently tracing the pages as she turned them. The campsite was quiet, the others still stirring from their sleep or already starting their morning routines.

Rina's peaceful solitude was interrupted by the sound of the tent flap rustling. She looked up to see Shoko peeking inside, a cheerful smile on her face.

"Good morning, Rina," Shoko greeted, her voice bright and inviting. "We're heading out to get some breakfast. Want to join us?"

Rina smiled back, but shook her head. "Thanks, Shoko, but I think I'll pass this time. I need some alone time to clear my head. Enjoy breakfast for me."

Shoko nodded understandingly, her smile never faltering. "Alright, but don't disappear for too long. We'll miss your company."

"I won't," Rina assured her, returning her friend's smile with a grateful one of her own. As Shoko turned to leave, Rina watched her go, feeling a pang of affection for the girl who had become so much like a sister to her.

Once Shoko was out of sight, Rina set her book aside and stepped out of her tent. She stretched, savoring the morning air, then glanced around the campsite. Everyone else was either busy preparing for breakfast or still in their tents. Deciding to take advantage of the quiet, Rina set off towards a nearby trail, her mind already focused on the hike ahead.

The forest path welcomed her with the soft crunch of leaves underfoot and the gentle rustling of branches overhead. As she walked, Rina felt a sense of tranquility settle over her. The beauty of nature surrounded her, offering a perfect escape from the complexities of human interaction.

The trail wound its way up a gentle slope, and Rina followed it with a steady pace, enjoying the solitude and the chance to reconnect with herself. The morning sun rose higher, bathing the forest in a warm, golden light.

As Rina continued her hike, the path gradually opened up to reveal a secluded beach area. The soft, golden sand stretched out before her, the waves crashing rhythmically against the shore.

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