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June 28th, two weeks later

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June 28th, two weeks later.

Two weeks had sluggishly crawled by since the last encounter between Rina and Satoru

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Two weeks had sluggishly crawled by since the last encounter between Rina and Satoru. Each day unfolded like a slow-motion reel of monotonous lectures and repetitive tasks, with the minutes dragging on like molasses. The classroom, bathed in the dull glow of fluorescent lights, seemed to echo with the heavy weight of boredom as the students trudged through yet another lesson.

In the midst of yet another lackluster lesson on curse techniques, Masamichi Yaga's commanding voice erupted like a clap of thunder, jolting the students out of their stupor. His eyes, alight with mischief and anticipation, swept across the room like searchlights, capturing the attention of every student with unwavering intensity.

Outside the classroom windows, the weather seemed to mirror the students' anticipation, with the sun casting a warm, golden glow over the landscape. A gentle breeze rustled through the leaves of the trees, carrying with it the promise of summer adventures yet to come.

"Class," Masamichi Yaga began, his voice rich with excitement and enthusiasm, "I have some exhilarating news to share! As part of our summer program, we'll be embarking on an unforgettable camping trip!"

The words hung in the air, electrifying the atmosphere with an undercurrent of anticipation. Eyes widened with excitement, and eager whispers rippled through the room as the students leaned forward, their attention fully captured by Masamichi Yaga's announcement.

Satoru's excitement was palpable, radiating from him like a beacon of infectious enthusiasm. Leaning forward in his seat, he practically vibrated with anticipation, his wide grin stretching from ear to ear as he absorbed every word of Masamichi Yaga's announcement.

"A camping trip? Now that sounds like my kind of adventure," Satoru exclaimed, his voice carrying a buoyant energy that filled the room. His eyes sparkled with mischief as he turned to Suguru, nudging him playfully with an elbow. "Hey, Suguru, think you can handle roughing it in the wilderness with me?"

Beside him, Suguru's reaction was more subdued but no less eager. He leaned back in his chair, his calm demeanor belying the excitement simmering just beneath the surface. A serene smile played on his lips as he listened intently to the details of the camping trip, his eyes alight with anticipation.

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