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       The next morning I'm awakened before my alarm by tiny hands squeezing my face. Opening my eyes at least one person is happy to be up this early. When it clicks for her that I'm awake she begins babbling and my nose gets gummed. Sitting up I turn her to sit in my lap but she doesn't stay put wanting to crawl around on my blanket instead. "I figured you'd sooner wake up to her giggles over a phone call. I just got word they've found Diane and are on their way to Quantico." For some reason, I'm not at all shocked by that information.

       "Definitely preferred." Reaching out I tickle Nephy's side. "Let me get dressed and I'll be down. There's coffee and eggs in the fridge if she'll eat them." Picking her daughter up she thanks me and slips out of the room.

       Stretching I look at the time and it's a little after seven. Today is about to be a long day but one I've been fantasying about since Ray's first day. Tossing my blanket, it's time for me to get up. In record time I shower and get dressed. Downstairs I round the divider to the kitchen to find Ray finishing up feeding Nepenthes another untouched plate sitting on the island. "I made yours into a sandwich." Hearing my heels on the tile she looks up. Trying really hard to fight back a smile I slide onto the stool busying myself with the food.

       Of course, she made mine into a sandwich because she knows that's what I prefer. Years being in the field they were easier to just grab and go with in the morning and it's not a habit I've been able to break. It was something she had noticed and asked about one day during one of our early shared office breakfasts. Once we're done, I help her get everything we'll need packing it into the car while she straps Neph in. "Do you have an ETA on their arrival?" She tells me she'll find out and begins sending a couple of texts.

       Within ten we have an answer. "We'll make it there just before they do." Having already called the BAU in, I send Jen that update, and they tell me they've already begun arriving. Most of them live in Virginia itself I stayed over the bridge in what is technically DC territory. Arriving around forty-five minutes later we head upstairs. Dropping off our our extra things to my office she takes Nephy out. "Will you do me a favor?" Telling her anything she hands me her daughter. "No matter what happens keep her with you Emily please." Trying to assure her everything will be fine she shakes her head cutting me off. "Just promise me." Reaching out I tug her closer using one of the belt loops on her pants.

       "I promise you Rayne no matter what happens I'll make sure Nepenthes is safe." Leaning down I press my lips to hers sealing the promise.

       Pulling apart at the sound of her phone beeping she tells me they're downstairs. Calling JJ as we step out of my office, I tell her to empty the pen and have the team station themselves around the perimeter of the room. I also tell her to make sure everyone keeps their weapons holstered with Nephy and other civilians coming in I don't want to take any chances unless we hit absolute last resort. Making around across the landing that oversees the room we stop in the middle. All eyes are instantly on us. Never before have we done a takedown like this but then again nothing about the situation has really been by the book anyhow.

       Having no real time to dwell on that the elevator doors ding open. Decker steps out first Diane being shoved out by Lucifer and one of the women who had brought Ray clothes. After them steps two blondes and Ms. Venable. As soon as she steps inside she completely loses her mind. "WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT BITCH DOING HOLDING MY DAUGHTER!?" Nephy starts crying head butting my chest and grabbing at my clothes trying to get as close to me as possible.

       Wrapping my arms around her entirely I step back away from the railing a bit. That gives Ray her opening and she slips away starting down the steps. Alvez goes to stop her, but I whistle calling him off. She's not stupid and neither am I. This right here is her getback for it all. Stopping only a step or so in front of her she lets out a hollow chuckle. "Your daughter? The last two months is about all you've had to take care of her and that's for what maybe six hours a day total because she's asleep for most of it. You've had her for three days on your own out of ten months and every one of those days you were texting me 'Where's this' or 'What do I do for this.' You're a Goddamn glorified babysitter that loves telling people she's Mama." Talk about a low blow from hell but then again, she's probably not exaggerating.

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