I've Got You

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       Seemingly able to heal her wounds she's able to move a bit more. The older of the two snaps her fingers and her top suddenly looks brand new. As soon as she can she takes her daughter hugging her tightly. Finally, in her arms she's content. "This lil darlin' is ma Goddaughter?" Confirming the woman looks over the moon.

       Cooing Nephy lets her touch her arm but is in no way trying to leave her mom. Letting the one who came meet the baby she also introduces them to me. Something I pick up on is they all say some sort of variation of it's good to finally meet me. Some of them she's talked about but others seem to know more about me than I do them. Telling her to call once all of this is done they all give her a hug before leaving as a group the same way they had arrived. Now the only ones left are us, Tara, and JJ. "Spence texted me Diane is claiming there were people who got between them. She's swearing Ray's parents were here." Glancing at her there's a glint in her eye.

       "I've told you all she's psychotic, her being schizophrenic too wouldn't surprise me." Realizing no one but apparently the three of us had seen them I decide then and there to keep my mouth shut.

       Telling JJ they can bring everyone back in and once they finish their reports they're done for the day. Ray looks exhausted and Nephy is nodding in and out of sleep herself. Making sure I have everything for us both for the next couple of days I'll contact the Director later this afternoon. The ride home is done in silence allowing Nephy to fall asleep peacefully. With the blank expression on her face, it's hard to tell where her head's at. At the house, I begin getting the bags as she gets her out of her seat. Well, she tries being asleep she's entirely dead weight and Ray just doesn't have it right now.

       Putting everything down on the seat I crawl onto the seat on the other side. "It's okay I've got her." Not fighting me she may no longer be gravely injured but that doesn't mean she isn't drained.

       Carrying her in I tell her to sit and give her the baby long enough to run and get the pen. Sitting it up at the end of the coffee table I lay her down on the mattress. Once she's situated, I run back outside to get our things. Returning she's sitting just staring at her daughter. Slowly approaching her so as to not scare her I sit down next to her leaving a little bit of space so she doesn't feel suffocated. Catching me off guard after a moment she moves into my side on her own accord.

       Letting her I wrap my arm around her shoulders pulling her even closer. Reaching out with my free arm I pick up the remote off the table. Switching on the TV I put on Bedknobs and Broomsticks because even though we just watched it last night something is telling me it's what she needs. Wrapping the couch blanket around us she fully cocoons into my side. "I love you." Saying it quietly I almost miss it.

       What's between us isn't new it's been gradual and simmering just below the surface. "I love you too." Looking up at me she smiles kissing me. "Whatever we have to do I want to figure it out. I want to be there for you and for Nepenthes. I want to be with you." Laying it all out there I know it's not going to be easy but for them, I have no doubt it will be worth it.

A.N. - Soooo this may or may not get a second a book :))

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