Wheels Up

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       At the top of the hour, there's a knock. Telling them to enter it's Rayne and she looks like nothing even happened. It's scary how good she is at covering up marks. Saying our good mornings, we do what paperwork is left. "This is the last one before you sign it I want to make sure you're absolutely sure." For the first time ever in front of me, she hesitates.

       The words Diane said to her run through my mind, so I know they are hers too. After a beat, she signs her name. "Thank you for this opportunity, Director Prentiss I plan to do my best, so you won't regret your decision." Shaking her hand, I grab the case file I need to present today and tell her to follow.

       Texting JJ on the way I tell her to gather the BAU. By the time we make it to the conference room, they're all there. "Who's the kid?" Files get passed around and I had an extra one made up for Rayne.

       If she's going to be in the field, she has to know what's going on. "Everyone meet my new intern Rayne Lennox she'll be accompanying us. Rayne these are Agents Tara Lewis, Luke Alvez, Jennifer Jarreau, David Rossi, Doctor Reid, and our tech analyst Penelope Garcia." They wave as I introduce them so she knows who's who. Taking our places at near the TV Pen and I begin to present. "I got a call from an old LA contact. Detective Chloe Decker and her team have caught a case. Four dead bodies in rapid succession. For the last four days at exactly 8 a.m., a body has been dropped from a cathedral somewhere in the greater L.A. area." As they click through the crime scene photos, I watch Ray's reactions and there aren't any.

       Telling everyone we leave in thirty we head back to my office. I had my office reworked so there's now a second desk on the far wall in the corner. She goes over her file, and I try not to but I can't help but to profile her. It's almost hard to read her as it's like there's nothing behind her eyes. She acts on autopilot doing what she has to in order to fill the role but nothing more. "You said Detective Decker was an old contact have you worked with her since she's been partnered with Detective Morningstar?" Almost startled she actually talked to me she swivels around in her chair.

       Straightening up I try to act like I haven't been staring at the side of her head for the last twenty minutes. If she noticed she doesn't say anything. "I uh haven't the last time I worked with her she had actually reopened an old case of her fathers I had worked when I was a rookie myself. She's called me a couple of times over the years asking my opinion about some of her cases, but I haven't worked with her in person since. Have you worked with them before?" Chloe's mentioned having a partner, but she's never told me anything about him.

       I'm also curious to know how she knows them since Decker is from L.A. and Ray is from the south. "I actually know them personally though I did help them out on an undercover sting, but it wasn't anything official." Beginning to gather up her things she stands up. "Morningstar isn't really LAPD he's just a consultant. I mention it because well he's brash and he does what he wants. He doesn't follow protocols and is in no way a team player." Bending over my eyes wander I don't mean to look but I do. "Full disclosure we met at a club in Houston through the bosses of a friend of my partner a couple of years back." This could either make this case a lot easier or a whole lot harder.

       Checking the time, I thank her for letting me know and tell her it's time to head for the airstrip. JJ and I sit where we used to sit all the time when we all traveled. Across from us sits Ray. She is small enough that she can sit cross-legged in the seat without issue. We all spend the first half of the flight combing through the details. Calling everyone together I motion for her to come sit next to me at the table. Going around the crimes obviously religiously motivated. All of the victims are men which speaks heavily to our unsub's victimology. We're more than likely looking for a male mid-twenties to early thirties. He has to be on the bigger side as all of our victims are average-sized men and based on the defensive wounds, they all fought back.

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